本文提出一种基于圆台形吸收单元的超宽带、极化不敏感的超材料太赫兹吸收器.该超材料吸收器采用金属薄膜金和介质层二氧化硅交替叠加的多层结构.采用商业软件CST Studio Suite 2009时域求解器计算了其在0—10 THz波段内的吸收率A(ω),在2—10 THz之间实现了对入射太赫兹波的超宽频带强吸收.仿真结果表明,由于其圆台形单元结构,在器件垂直方向上形成一系列不同尺寸的微型吸收器,产生了吸收频点相连的多频吸收峰.利用不同吸收峰的耦合叠加效应,获得超过8 THz的超宽带太赫兹波吸收,吸收强度达到92.3%以上.这一结构具有超宽带强吸收,360极化不敏感以及易于加工等优越特性,因而在太赫兹波探测器、光谱成像以及隐身技术方面具有潜在的应用.
We design and experimentally demonstrate a broadband metamaterial absorber in the terahertz (THz) band based on a periodic array of aluminum (A1) squares with two different sizes. A thin silicon dioxide (SiO2) film rather than a conventional polyimide (PI) layer is used as a dielectric spacer to separate A1 squares from the platinum (Pt) ground plane in our design, which significantly improves the design precision and the feasibility of the device fabrication. The combination of different sizes of AI squares gives rise to an absorption bandwidth of over 210 GHz with an absorption of over 90%. Our results also show that our device is almost polarization-insensitive. It works very well for all azimuthal angles with an absorption of beyond 80%.
Single-phase VO_(2) thin films are sputtering deposited on BK7 substrates,and sharp insulator-to-metal phase transition is obtained with a resistivity change of four orders of magnitude.Terahertz(THz)pump-probe measurements reveal that by illuminating the films with a low pumping power of 143μJ/cm^(2),VO_(2) films exhibit an ultrafast optical switching to THz transmission within 8 ps.Furthermore,the THz switching ratio reaches over 80%in a wide frequency range from 0.3 to 2.5 THz.All these outstanding features indicate a strong potential of VO_(2) films for broadband terahertz wave switching and modulation applications.