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作品数:10 被引量:5H指数:1


  • 10篇中文期刊文章


  • 10篇理学
  • 6篇机械工程
  • 2篇电子电信
  • 1篇自动化与计算...


  • 2篇QUANTU...
  • 2篇CLUSTE...
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  • 2篇QUBIT
  • 2篇PHOTON
  • 2篇NONLOC...
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  • 1篇QUANTU...
  • 1篇QUANTU...
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  • 1篇2014
  • 3篇2013
  • 4篇2012
  • 2篇2011
10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Generating a four-photon polarization-entangled cluster state with homodyne measurement via cross-Kerr nonlinearity
We propose a protocol to generate a four-photon polarization-entangled cluster state with cross-Kerr nonlinearity by using the interference of polarized photons. The protocol is based on optical elements, cross-Kerr nonlinearity, and homodyne measurement, therefore it is feasible with current experimental technology, The success probability of our protocol is optimal, this property makes our protocol more efficient than others in the applications of quantum communication.
A realizable multi-bit dense coding scheme with an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen channel
We propose a multi-bit dense coding scheme by using only an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen(EPR) channel and assistant qubits.It is shown that no matter how many classical bits there are,the quantum channel is always a Bell state.The present dense coding process can also prepare non-local multi-particle Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger(GHZ) states at one of the participants.The quantum circuits for this dense coding process are constructed,the deterministic implementation method in an optical system based on the cross-Kerr nonlinearities is shown.
郭奇程留永王洪福张寿Yeon Kyu-Hwang
Nonlocal quantum cloning via quantum dots trapped in distant cavities
A scheme for implementing nonlocal quantum cloning via quantum dots trapped in cavities is proposed.By modulating the parameters of the system,the optimal 1 → 2 universal quantum cloning machine,1 → 2 phase-covariant cloning machine,and 1 → 3 economical phase-covariant cloning machine are constructed.The present scheme,which is attainable with current technology,saves two qubits compared with previous cloning machines.
Implementation of unambiguous comparison for unknown pure quantum states with cavity-assisted interaction
We propose two effective schemes for local and remote unknown atomic state comparisons with a cavity-assisted single photon input--output process without any initial entanglement or auxiliary resource. The unambiguous state discrim- ination is considered using the state comparison process as the basic module. All the implementation schemes here just involve common quantum logic gates and the single qubit measurement. The analysis shows that our schemes are feasible under the current experimental conditions.
程留永王洪福张寿Yeon Kyu-Hwang
Efficient three-step entanglement concentration for an arbitrary four-photon cluster state被引量:1
We propose an entanglement concentration protocol to concentrate an arbitrary partially-entangled four-photon cluster state.As a pioneering three-step entanglement concentration scheme,our protocol only needs a single-photon resource to assist the concentration in each step,which makes this protocol more economical.With the help of the linear optical elements and weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity,one can obtain a maximally-entangled cluster state via local operations and classical communication.Moreover,the protocol can be iterated to obtain a higher success probability and is feasible under current experimental conditions.
Measurement-induced disturbance and nonequilibrium thermal entanglement in a qutrit qubit mixed spin XXZ model被引量:1
We investigate the dynamics of nonequilibrium thermal quantum correlation of a qutrit-qubit mixed spin system coupled to two bosonic reservoirs at different temperatures using measurement-induced disturbance. The effects of initial states of the spins and temperatures of the reservoirs on measurement-induced disturbance and entanglement are discussed. The results demonstrate that measurement-induced disturbance is more robust than entanglement against the influence of both these factors and there is no sudden death phenomenon for measurement-induced disturbance. The dependences of steady-state measurement-induced disturbance and entanglement on coupling constant and anisotropy parameter are also studied. Steady-state entanglement vanishes for a ferromagnetic qutrit-qubit model, while steady- state measurement-induced disturbance exists for both the antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic cases. Appropriately modulating the coupling constant and anisotropy parameter can strengthen quantum correlation.
Two-qubit and three-qubit controlled gates with cross-Kerr nonlinearity被引量:1
Schemes for two-qubit and three-qubit controlled gates based on cross-Kerr nonlinearity are proposed in this paper.The probability of the success of these gates can be increased by quantum nondemolition detectors,which are used to judge which paths the signal photons pass through.These schemes are almost deterministic and require no ancilla photon.The advantages of these gates over the existing ones include less resource consumption and a higher probability of success,which make our schemes more feasible with current technology.
Dissipative preparation of a steady three-dimensional entangled state via quantum-jump-based feedback被引量:1
A robust and scalable scheme to generate a steady three-dimensional entangled state for a V-type atom and a A- type atom trapped in a strongly dissipative bimodal cavity is proposed by direct feedback control based on quantum-jump detection. The robustness of this scheme reflects in the insensitivity to detection inefficiencies and the strong ability against the parameter fluctuations in the feedback, driving, and coupling strengths. The influence of atomic spontaneous emission can be suppressed by using the local feedback control. The scalability is ensured that N-dimensional entangled states of two atoms can be deterministically generated.
Quantum superdense coding based on hyperentanglement被引量:1
We present a scheme for quantum superdense coding with hyperentanglement, in which the sender can transfer four bits of classical information by sending only one photon. The important device in the scheme is the hyperentangled Bell-state analyzer in both polarization and frequency degrees of freedom, which is also constructed in the paper by using a quantum nondemolition detector assisted by cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Our scheme can transfer more informationwith less resources than the existing schemes and is nearly deterministic and nondestructive.
Implementation of nonlocal Bell-state measurement and quantum information transfer with weak Kerr nonlinearity
We propose a protocol to implement the nonlocal Bell-state measurement, which is nearly determinate with the help of weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities and quantum non-destructive photon number resolving detection. Based on the nonlocal Bell-state measurement, we implement the quantum information transfer from one place to another. The process is different from conventional teleportation but can be regarded as a novel form of teleportation without entangled channel and classic communication.
白娟郭奇程留永邵晓强王洪福张寿Yeon Kyu-Hwang