The effects of different Planetary Boundary Layer(PBL) structures on pollutant dispersion processes within two idealized street canyon configurations and a realistic urban area were numerically examined by a Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) model. The boundary conditions of different PBL structures/conditions were provided by simulations of the Weather Researching and Forecasting model. The simulated results of the idealized 2D and 3D street canyon experiments showed that the increment of PBL instability favored the downward transport of momentum from the upper flow above the roof to the pedestrian level within the street canyon. As a result, the flow and turbulent fields within the street canyon under the more unstable PBL condition are stronger. Therefore, more pollutants within the street canyon would be removed by the stronger advection and turbulent diffusion processes under the unstable PBL condition. On the contrary, more pollutants would be concentrated in the street canyon under the stable PBL condition. In addition, the simulations of the realistic building cluster experiments showed that the density of buildings was a crucial factor determining the dynamic effects of the PBL structure on the flow patterns. The momentum field within a denser building configuration was mostly transported from the upper flow, and was more sensitive to the PBL structures than that of the sparser building configuration. Finally, it was recommended to use the Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino(MYNN) PBL scheme, which can explicitly output the needed turbulent variables, to provide the boundary conditions to the CFD simulation.
为了修正中尺度气象模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model)对低层风速模拟的系统性误差,有学者在新版本WRF模式的YSU(Yonsei University)边界层参数化方案中加入了两个地形订正方法:Jiménez方法和UW(University of Washington method)方法.本文利用这两个地形订正方法,选取了两个时间段,对北京地区的地面气象要素以及气象要素垂直廓线进行了个例模拟研究,模拟结果和观测数据的比对表明在北京地区:是否采用地形订正,对地面温度的模拟几乎没有影响;采用地形订正后,模式对地面风速的模拟有明显的改进,两种方法对风速模拟的差别主要体现在山/丘陵地区;Jiménez方法在山/丘陵地区的模拟风速明显偏大,而采用UW方法进行订正后,模拟的风速减小,更接近观测值;两种方法在山谷地区对风速均有一定的过度订正.通过分析气象要素的垂直廓线发现,不同地形订正方法主要影响的是2000m以下的低层风速.总体而言,UW地形订正方法在北京地区更为适用,采用UW方法后,模拟得到的地面气象要素的各项统计参数基本达到了统计基准值.
本文以大气边界层物理、大气动力学、土壤物理、水文学和生物物理等理论为基础,研发了一系列适用于不同时空尺度的大气边界层与陆面物理过程模式:(1)基于地表能量和水分平衡方程,构建了新一代北京大学陆面物理过程模式(Land Surface Physics Process Model of Peking University,LSMPKU);(2)基于城市街谷冠层结构以及相应物理过程,构建了北京大学单层城市冠层模式(Modified Single Layer Urban Canopy Model of Peking University,UCMPKU);(3)基于计算流体力学理论,构建了北京大学街区尺度模式(Block Scale Model of Peking University,BSMPKU).通过模拟研究表明:上述模式在各自的时空适用尺度上均能很好地模拟出相应尺度上的主要大气物理过程,在与其他同类模式的对比实验中表现出明显的改进和提高.
为了检验北京大学街区尺度模式BSMPKU(Block Scale Model of Peking University)在城市大气环境研究中的适用性,首先利用Thompson风洞试验的数据集对BSMPKU模式进行了验证,并将其模拟结果与Open FOAM(Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation)的模拟结果进行比较,然后将BSMPKU模式应用在复杂的实际建筑物群中,进行了3种不同交通线源排放的理想数值模拟研究。结果表明:1)对于单个建筑物,随建筑物宽度增加,建筑物迎风面回流区和建筑物背风面的尾流涡区范围增大;2)BSMPKU和Open FOAM对单个建筑物周围的流场及浓度场有较好的模拟能力;3)与基于高斯扩散理论的AERMOD相比,BSMPKU和Open FOAM能更好地模拟出建筑物周围的浓度场,但两个模式的模拟结果都与实测值存在一定误差;4)在实际小区中,受建筑物群影响,建筑物群内的流场分布比较复杂,大部分地区风速大幅下降,建筑物群内污染物浓度场的分布受排放源位置和走向的影响很大;5)BSMPKU能较好地模拟出实际城区的流场和浓度场分布,具有一定模拟和预报复杂城区污染物扩散过程的能力。
Currently, the Chinese central government is considering plans to build a trilateral economic sphere in the Bohai Bay area, including Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei(BTH), where haze pollution frequently occurs. To achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to understand the physical mechanism of the haze pollution there. Therefore, the pollutant transport mechanisms of a haze event over the BTH region from 23 to 24 September 2011 were studied using the Weather Research and Forecasting model and the FLEXible-PARTicle dispersion model to understand the effects of the local atmospheric circulations and atmospheric boundary layer structure. Results suggested that the penetration by sea-breeze could strengthen the vertical dispersion by lifting up the planetary boundary layer height(PBLH) and carry the local pollutants to the downstream areas; in the early night, two elevated pollution layers(EPLs) may be generated over the mountain areas: the pollutants in the upper EPL at the altitude of 2–2.5 km were favored to disperse by long-range transport, while the lower EPL at the altitude of 1 km may serve as a reservoir, and the pollutants there could be transported downward and contribute to the surface air pollution.The intensity of the sea–land and mountain–valley breeze circulations played an important role in the vertical transport and distribution of pollutants. It was also found that the diurnal evolution of the PBLH is important for the vertical dispersion of the pollutants,which is strongly affected by the local atmospheric circulations and the distribution of urban areas.