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14 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Shadowgraph investigation of plasma shock wave evolution from Al target under 355-nm laser ablation被引量:5
The propagation of a plasma shock wave generated from an Al target surface ablated by a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser operating at 355 nm in air is investigated at the different focusing positions of the laser beam by using a time-resolved shadowgraph imaging technique. The results show that in the case of a target surface set at the off-focus position, the condition of the focal point behind or in front of the target surface greatly influences the evolution of an Al plasma shock wave, and an ionization channel forms in the case of the focal point set in front of the target surface. Moreover, it is found that the shadowgraph with the evolution time around 100 ns shows that a protrusion appears at the front tip of the shock wave if the focal point is at the target surface. In addition, the calculated results of the expanding velocity of the shock wave front, the mass density, and pressure just behind the shock wave front are presented based on the shadowgraphs.
Mitigation of energetic ion debris from Gd plasma using dual laser pulses and the combined effect with ambient gas
For the next-generation beyond extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) sources, gadolinium (Gd) plasma with emis- sion wavelength at 6.7 nm seems to be the leading candidate. Similar to the Sn target 13.5 nm light source, ion debris mitigation is one of the most important tasks in the laser-produced Gd plasma EUV source development. In this paper, a dual-laser-pulse scheme, which uses a low energy pulse to produce a pre-plasma and a main pulse after a time delay to shoot the pre-plasma, is employed to mitigate the energetic ion generation from the source. Optimal conditions (such as pre-pulse energy and wavelength, and the time delay between the pre-pulse and the main pulse for mitigating the ion energy) are experimentally obtained, and with the optimal conditions, the peak of the ion energy is found to be reduced to 1/18 of that of a single laser pulse case. Moreover, the combined effect by applying ambient gas to the dual-pulse scheme for ion debris mitigation is demonstrated, and the result shows that the yield of Gd ions is further reduced to around 1/9 of the value for the case with dual laser pulses.
One-step formation of multifunctional nano- and microscale structures on metal surface by femtosecond laser被引量:7
Metals in nature exhibit a mediocre wettability and a high optical reflectance from the visible region to the infrared. This Letter reports that, by formation of nano- and microscale structures via a simple raster sca.nning of a focused femtosecond laser pulse without any further treatment, structured aluminum and nickel surfaces exhibit combined features of superhydrophobicity with a contact angle of 155.5°, and a high optical absorption with a rcflectivity of several percent over a broad spectral range (0.2-2.5μm). Thus, a multifunctional structured metal surface that integrates superhydrophobicity and a high broadband absorptivity has been easily realized by one-step femtosecond laser processing.
A comparison of single shot nanosecond and femtosecond polarization-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of Al被引量:4
Aluminum samples have been analyzed by femtosecond polarization-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (fs-PRLIBS). We compare the obtained spectra with those obtained from nanosecond PRLIBS (ns-PRLIBS). The main specific features of fs-PRLIBS are that a lower plasma temperature leads to a low level of continuum and no species are detected from the ambient gas. Furthermore, signals obtained by fs-PRLIBS show a higher stability than those of ns-PRLIBS. However, more elements are detected in the ns-PRLIBS spectra.
Nakimana Agnes陶海岩郝作强孙长凯高勋林景全
Comparative investigation of the resistance and ability to trigger high voltage discharge for single and multiple femtosecond filaments in air
A comparative investigation of the resistance and ability to trigger high voltage(HV) discharge for a single filament(SF) and multiple filaments(MFs) has been carried out.The experimental results show that the trend of the breakdown threshold of the SF exactly follows that of its resistance,but this is not the case for the MF.The MF's resistance is much smaller than the SF's.However,the MF shows a slightly higher HV breakdown threshold than the SF.The underlying physics is that the measured resistance of the MF is collectively contributed by every filament in the MF while the HV breakdown threshold is determined by only one single discharging path.
利用脉冲宽度为10ns,输出波长为1 064nm的Nd∶YAG激光器作用金属Gd以及纳米粒子掺杂的低密度Gd玻璃等两种形式靶所产生等离子体光源的离带辐射进行了研究,发现等离子体所发出的连续辐射是离带辐射的主要成分,光谱分布与温度为5eV的普朗克曲线相匹配。此外,相对于金属Gd靶而言,采用纳米粒子掺杂的低密度Gd玻璃靶可大幅度降低等离子体光源的离带辐射。利用光谱法,对激光作用纳米粒子掺杂的低密度Gd玻璃靶所形成光源的等离子体羽的电子温度和电子密度进行了时空分辨研究。实验结果表明,在打靶结束125ns时,距靶面6mm位置处等离子体的电子温度约为4eV,电子密度约为1.2×1018 cm-3。同时发现在激光打靶结束后等离子体羽的电子温度和电子密度随延时的变化而呈指数下降,在120-250ns时间范围内,两者下降较快,之后其幅度下降缓慢。另一方面,当打靶脉冲结束约200ns时,在距离靶面1-10mm的空间内等离子体的电子温度及密度均经历先上升后下降的变化过程。在距靶材表面6mm位置处,电子温度和电子密度均达到最大值,电子温度约为2.6eV,电子密度为8.5×1017cm-3。
The polarization characteristics of single shot nanosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of Al被引量:1
The polarization-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (PRLIBS) technique, which can significantly reduce the polarized emission from laser plasma by placing a polarizer in front of the detector, is a powerful tool to improve the line-to-continuum ratio in LIBS applications. It is shown that the continuum emission from the plasma produced through ablating an Al sample by nanosecond laser pulses is much more polarized than the discrete line emission with the singlepulse PRLIBS technique. The effects of laser fluence and detection angle on the Al polarization spectrum are systematically explored experimentally. The calculated result of the polarization spectrum as a function of laser fluence shows that it is in agreement with the experimental observations.
本文对Gd靶激光等离子体极紫外光源进行了实验研究,在6.7 nm附近获得了较强的辐射,并研究了6.7nm附近光辐射随打靶激光功率密度变化的规律以及收集角度对极紫外辐射的影响.同时,对平面Gd靶激光等离子光源的离子碎屑角分布进行了测量,发现从靶面的法线到沿着靶面平行方向上Gd离子数量依次减少.进一步研究结果表明采用0.9 T外加磁场的条件下可取得较好的Gd离子碎屑阻挡效果.
The Effect of an External Magnetic Field on the Plume Expansion Dynamics of Laser-Induced Aluminum Plasma被引量:1
In this work, we investigated the plasma morphology induced by a Nd:YAG laser with the aim of improving the understanding of the formation and dynamics of the plasma in two cases, with and without a magnetic field. Single laser pulse production of a plasma in the absence and presence of a magnetic field was performed with an aluminum target in air. A fast photography technique was employed to obtain information about the expansion dynamics and confinement of the aluminum plasma in each case. The generation of the laser plasma was allowed to expand at two locations with different magnetic field strengths, which correspond to the strength 0.58 T in the center of two magnetic poles and 0.83 T at a distance of 4 mm from the upper pole (N). The plume showed lateral confinement at longer delays when the target was placed at the center of the two poles. When the target was placed at a distance of 4 mm from the upper pole it was observed that the plume was divided into two lobes at the initial stage and traveled towards the center of the magnetic field with further elapse of time.
Atif HUSSAIN李奇郝作强高勋林景全