Here, a new idea was proposed for template-free synthesis of hierarchical m-ZrO2 nanorods and "their" possible formation mechanism based on a series of chemical reactions by simple hydrothermal method. The traditional preparation methods of hierarchical ZrO2 nanorods involved inexpensive equipment, complicated process, and high production cost. The as-synthesized products composed of many nanorods with 180-200 nm in diameter and 5-7 μm in length. The fi nal product after annealing involved hierarchical monoclinic ZrO2(m-ZrO2) nanorods, namely, the big nanorod was made up of many small nanorods with 40-50 nm in diameter and 500-600 nm in length. The experimental results were useful in understanding the chemical properties of ZrB2 and ZrO2 and the design of the derivatives for m-ZrO2 nanomaterials.
Shahzad Ahmad KHAN傅正义Muhammad ASIFWANG WeiminWANG Hao
The fast densification method of combustion reaction plus quick pressing was adopted to prepare nanocrystalline ceramics.The densification process of magnesia compact with a particle size of 100 nm was investigated,under the applied pressure of up to 170 MPa,and the temperature range of 1740–2080 K with ultra-high heating rate(above 1700 K/min).High-purity magnesia ceramics with a relative density of 98.8%and an average grain size of 120 nm was obtained at 1740 K,and the grain growth during the densification process was effectively restrained.The characteristic morphology of evaporation-condensation was observed in the compact prepared at 2080 K,which revealed the actual process of mass transfer by gas diffusion.Moreover,the investigation on the microstructure evolution and mechanism of grain growth was carried out,on the basis of as-preserved nanocrystalline ceramics.The result indicated that the grain growth of the nanocrystalline MgO was controlled by the mechanism of evaporation-condensation rather than surface diffusion.Furthermore,the pressure had an influence of restraining the grain growth based on solid diffusion and strengthening the effect of gas diffusion with the increasing temperature.Under the particular conditions,there existed an appropriate temperature for the densification of nanocrystalline magnesia,while the excessive temperature would exaggerate grain growth and impede densification.
Highly oriented calcium carbonate lamellas are exquisite structure produced by biomineralization. Strategies mimicking nature have been developed to synthesize inorganic materials with excellent structures and optimal properties. In our strategy, egg white protein and zinc ion were employed in the solution to induce the crystallization of calcium carbonate, resulting in the macroscopic aragonite laminate with an average length of 1.5 mm, which was comprised of single-crystalline tablets. During the crystallization at initial stage, it was found that the particles displayed the characteristics of amorphous calcium carbonate, which was then transformed into the sophisticated structured aragonite through a multistage assembly process. The rebuilt nacre structure in vitro was achieved owing to the synergistic effects of egg white protein and zinc ion.