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作品数:4 被引量:10H指数:2


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  • 1篇2015
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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Abundance and Distribution of Fatty Acids in Sediments of the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge被引量:4
Sediment samples obtained from the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge were studies by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) for the abundance and distributions of total fatty acids (TFAs). Approximately 34 fatty acids were identified, with the chain-lengths ranging from C12 to C30. The total concentrations of TFAs (∑TFA) ranged from 7.15 to 30.09 μgg-l dry sediment, and ∑TFA was weakly correlated with bitumen content (R2=0.69). The ∑TFA of samples around hydrothermal areas were significantly higher than that of samples away from hydrothermal areas, indicating intense primary production and large biomass in the hydro- thermal areas, and suggesting a close relationship between hydrothermal activity and ∑TFA of samples. The characteristics of the TFA composition in the present study are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and lacking in polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the ra- tios between the concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids and ∑TFAs in samples close to the hydrothermal areas, are about 0.8, but for samples far from the hydrothermal areas, they are only about 0.5. Several fatty acids (e.g., a/iC15:0 and C16:1co7), which are signature biomarkers for sulfur-metabolizing bacteria, show the same distribution trend as ∑TFA of samples, further highlighting the close relationship between fatty acid content and hydrothermal activity and/or hydrothermal communities. The metabolic activities of hydrothermal communities, especially those of microorganisms, are likely the main source of fatty acids in samples.
HUANG XinZENG ZhigangCHEN ShuaiYIN XueboWANG XiaoyuanMA YaoYANG BaojuRONG KunboSHU YunchaoJIANG Tao
Silicon and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Igneous Rocks from the Eastern Manus Basin被引量:1
This paper reports silicon and oxygen isotopes of 20 kinds of igneous rocks and their major elements from the eastern Manus Basin. Combining silicon and oxygen isotopic data from other studies, we suppose that both δ30Si and δ18O values increase with the increasing of SiO2 content. It means that the fractionation of silicon and oxygen isotopes are affected by the silica content. The positive correlation between CaO/Al2O3 ratios and MgO and that between Si/Al and SiO2 content indicate that clinopyroxene is the predominant mineral phase in our samples. We suppose that the fractionation of silicon and oxygen isotopes are influenced by mineral fractional crystallization. Probably, it is due to their different silicon and oxygen bridges. In this study, the δ30Simean value=-0.17‰±0.17‰ and δ18Omean value= +6.07‰±0.57‰ are higher than normal δ30Si and δ18O values of mantle, and we propose that these igneous rocks in the eastern Manus Basin are affected by hydrothermal alteration.
ZHAO HuijingZENG ZhigangYIN XueboCHEN Shuai
Hydrothermal alteration of plagioclase microphenocrysts and glass in basalts from the East Pacific Rise near 13°N: An SEM-EDS study被引量:5
The interactions of seafloor hydrothermal fluid with igneous rocks can result in leaching elements from the rocks,creating potential ore-forming fluids and influencing the chemical compositions of near-bottom seawater.The hydrothermal alteration of plagioclase microphenocrysts and basaltic glass in the pillow basalts from one dredge station(103°57.62′′W,12°50.55′N,water depth 2480 m)on the East Pacific Rise(EPR)near 13°N were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope(SEM)and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry(EDS).The results show that the edges of the plagioclase microphenocrysts and the basaltic glass fragments are altered but the pyroxene and olivine microphenocrysts in the interior of the pillow basalts appear to be unaffected by the hydrothermal fluids.In addition,our results show that the chemical alteration at the rims of the plagioclase microphenocrysts and the edges of basaltic glass fragments can be divided into separate types of alteration.The chemical difference in hydrothermal alteration of the plagioclase microphenocrysts and the basaltic glass indicate that different degrees of hydrothermal fluid-solid phase interaction have taken place at the surface of the pillow basalts.If the degree of hydrothermal fluid-solid phase interaction is relatively minor,Si,Al,Ca and Na diffuse from the inside of the solid phase out and as a result these elements have a tendency to accumulate in the edge of the plagioclase microphenocrysts or basaltic glass.If the degree of hydrothermal fluid-solid phase interaction is relatively strong,Si,Al,Ca and Na also diffuse from the inside of solid phase out but these elements will have a relatively low concentration in the edge of the plagioclase microphenocrysts or basaltic glass.Based on the chemical variation observed in the edges of plagioclase microphenocrysts and basaltic glass,we estimate that the content of Si,Al and Fe in the edges of plagioclase microphenocrysts can have a variation of 10.69%,17.59%and 109%,respectively.Similarly,the Si,Al and Fe conc
ZENG ZhiGangQI HaiYanCHEN ShuaiYIN XueBoLI ZhaoXue