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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Experimental study on broadband bistable energy harvester with L-shaped piezoelectric cantilever beam被引量:11
This paper presents an experimental study of the broadband energy harvesting and dynamic responses of an L-shaped piezoelectric cantilever beam.Experimental results show that the L-shaped piezoelectric beam generates two optimal voltage peaks when the horizontal beam size is similar to the vertical beam size.Several optimized L-shaped piezoelectric cantilever beam structures are proposed.Power generation using the inverted bistable L-shaped beam is better.It is observed experimentally that the inverted bistable L-shaped beam structure shows obvious bistable characteristics and hard spring characteristics.Furthermore,the corresponding relationship between the bistable phase portrait and the potential energy curve is found in the experiment.This is the first time that a phase portrait for stiffness hardening of an L-shaped beam has been found experimentally.These results can be applied to analysis of new piezoelectric power generation structures.
Minghui YaoPengfei LiuLi MaHongbo WangWei Zhang
以飞机机翼的颤振为实际工程背景,考虑高阶横向剪切效应、几何大变形和横向阻尼的影响,基于Reddy的高阶剪切变形理论和von Karman的大变形理论,利用Hamilton原理对纤维增强复合材料层合悬臂板的非线性动力学问题进行了研究。建立了复合材料悬臂板在面内激励和横向外激励联合作用下悬臂板广义位移形式的偏微分运动控制方程。利用Galerkin方法,选取二阶模态对复合材料层合悬臂板偏微分形式运动控制方程进行二阶模态截断,得到了具有三次非线性项、参数激励项和横向激励项的常微分形式二自由度非线性动力学方程。在考虑主参数共振和1:2内共振的情况下,用多尺度法获得了复合材料层合悬臂板四维直角坐标形式的平均方程。在平均方程的基础上,利用数值方法分析面内激励和横向激励幅值对系统非线性动力学特性的影响,得到了1:2内共振时复合材料层合悬臂板动力学方程的平面相图、波形图、三维相图和频谱图。结果表明,随着外激励的变化,系统会出现单倍周期运动、多倍周期运动、概周期运动和混沌运动。
Higher-dimensional chaotic dynamics of a composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate被引量:4
The analysis on the chaotic dynamics of a six-dimensional nonlinear system which represents the averaged equation of a composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate is given for the first time. The theory of normal form and the energy-phase method are combined to investigate the higher-dimen-sional chaotic dynamics of the composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate. Firstly,the theory of normal form is used to reduce the six-dimensional averaged equation to the simpler normal form. Then,the energy-phase method is extended to analyze the global bifurcations and chaotic dynamics of a six-dimensional nonlinear system. The analysis results indicate that there exist the homoclinic bi-furcation and Shilnikov type multi-pulse chaos for the composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate. Finally,numerical simulations are also used to investigate the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of the composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate. The results of numerical simulations also demonstrate that there exist the chaotic motions and the multi-pulse jumping orbits of the composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate.
ZHANG WeiGAO MeiJuanYAO MingHuiYAO ZhiGang
Analytical and experimental studies on nonlinear characteristics of an L-shape beam structure被引量:3
This paper focuses on theoretical and experimental investigations of planar nonlinear vibrations and chaotic dynamics of an L-shape beam structure subjected to fundamental harmonic excitation,which is composed of two beams with right-angled L-shape.The ordinary differential governing equation of motion for the L-shape beam structure with two-degree-of-freedom is firstly derived by applying the substructure synthesis method and the Lagrangian equation.Then,the method of multiple scales is utilized to obtain a four-dimensional averaged equation of the L-shape beam structure.Numerical simulations,based on the mathematical model,are presented to analyze the nonlinear responses and chaotic dynamics of the L-shape beam structure.The bifurcation diagram,phase portrait,amplitude spectrum and Poincare map are plotted to illustrate the periodic and chaotic motions of the L-shape beam structure.The existence of the Shilnikov type multi-pulse chaotic motion is also observed from the numerical results.Furthermore, experimental investigations of the L-shape beam structure are performed,and there is a qualitative agreement between the numerical and experimental results.It is also shown that out-of-plane motion may appear intuitively.
Dong-Xing Cao·Wei Zhang·Ming-Hui Yao College of Mechanical Engineering,Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124,China
Nonlinear dynamics of angle-ply composite laminated thin plate with third-order shear deformation被引量:8
An asymptotic perturbation method is presented based on the Fourier expansion and temporal rescaling to investigate the nonlinear oscillations and chaotic dynamics of a simply supported angle-ply composite laminated rectangular thin plate with parametric and external excitations.According to the Reddy's third-order plate theory,the governing equations of motion for the angle-ply composite laminated rectangular thin plate are derived by using the Hamilton's principle.Then,the Galerkin procedure is applied to the partial differential governing equation to obtain a two-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear system including the quadratic and cubic nonlinear terms.Such equations are utilized to deal with the resonant case of 1:1 internal resonance and primary parametric resonance-1/2 subharmonic resonance.Furthermore,the stability analysis is given for the steady-state solutions of the averaged equation.Based on the averaged equation obtained by the asymptotic perturbation method,the phase portrait and power spectrum are used to analyze the multi-pulse chaotic motions of the angle-ply composite laminated rectangular thin plate.Under certain conditions the various chaotic motions of the angle-ply composite laminated rectangular thin plate are found.
GUO Xiang Ying,ZHANG Wei & YAO MingHui College of Mechanical Engineering,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China
Periodic and chaotic dynamics of composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate with one-to-two internal resonance被引量:11
The bifurcations and chaotic dynamics of a simply supported symmetric cross-ply composite lami- nated piezoelectric rectangular plate are studied for the first time, which are simultaneously forced by the transverse, in-plane excitations and the excitation loaded by piezoelectric layers. Based on the Reddy’s third-order shear deformation plate theory, the nonlinear governing equations of motion for the composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate are derived by using the Hamilton’s principle. The Galerkin’s approach is used to discretize partial differential governing equations to a two-degree- of-freedom nonlinear system under combined the parametric and external excitations. The method of multiple scales is employed to obtain the four-dimensional averaged equation. Numerical method is utilized to find the periodic and chaotic responses of the composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate. The numerical results indicate the existence of the periodic and chaotic responses in the aver- aged equation. The influence of the transverse, in-plane and piezoelectric excitations on the bifurca- tions and chaotic behaviors of the composite laminated piezoelectric rectangular plate is investigated numerically.
Study on power generations and dynamic responses of the bistable straight beam and the bistable L-shaped beam被引量:11
In this paper, a simplified model of the bistable piezoelectric cantilever beam with magnets is established, and the potential energy of the bistable system is analyzed. We have proposed the bistable L-shaped beam structure, which has the same geometry dimensions of the bistable straight beam in the first time. The comparative study on power generations and dynamic responses of the bistable straight beam and the bistable L-shaped beam plays an important role in exploring excellent piezoelectric generator.The experiment structure includes the base layer and the piezoelectric layer. The harmonic excitation is given to the system.Theoretical analysis results show that the potential energy function of the system has two obvious steady potential wells. In addition, the depth of the upper potential well is different from that of the lower potential well when the gravity potential energy is considered. Experimental results demonstrate that the power generation for the straight beam is better than that of the horizontally placed L-shaped beam when the excitation amplitude is 450 m V. There is the existence that the energy harvesting capacity of the bistable L-shaped beam is better than that of the bistable straight beam when the excitation amplitude is 400 m V.Furthermore, the power generation of the bistable L-shaped beam with the upper potential well is obviously better than that of the bistable L-shaped beam with the lower potential well. In addition, comparing with the straight beam, the dynamic response of the bistable L-shaped beam is more complex when the external excitation frequency is changed. It is also observed that the distance between the magnets has the obvious influence on the dynamic response of the bistable system. It is very effective to select the appropriate distance between the magnets to improve the power generation of the bistable energy harvester under the fixed excitation conditions.