本文针对国防科技大学的平面感应脉冲等离子体推力器(IPPT)原型机,设计了一种基于感应涡流斥力原理的快速脉冲气体供给阀.该阀采用截锥型铍青铜簧片作为执行构件,依靠簧片开启过程中弹性变形产生的弹力提供闭合所需回复力,避免了使用额外的回复力机构,使阀整体结构得到极大简化.性能测试结果表明,该阀的动作延迟时间小于35μs.在阀腔气体压力为100 k Pa时,最大单脉冲供气量为2.5 mg.响应特性和供气量特性均满足目前IPPT原型机的需求.此外,该阀可通过调节初始充电电压和阀腔气体压力实现供气量调节.该阀可以为后续推力器原型机多工况性能试验提供有力支持.
The interaction between CO2 laser and polyformaldehyde(POM)is quite important in the research of laser irradiation effects and mechanisms.At this time,the accuracy of the existing mass-ablation models for POM irradiated by CO2 laser is poor compared with the experimental data.Based on the energy distribution deposited in the POM target,the active area excited by laser is divided into four slices,the ablation slice(the temperature-rising slice,the perturbation slice,and the undisturbed slice),and a slicing response model for the mass ablation of POM induced by pulsed CO2 laser irradiation in vacuum is developed.A formula is deduced to predict the ablated mass areal density from the model and is verified with data from several studies and our own experiments.The results show that our model fits the experimental data quite well before the shielding effect of ablation products becomes notable.The applicability of the model to other materials and the mass ablation in atmosphere are also briefly explored.
A gas injector was designed for the 400 J/pulse prototype of the planar inductive pulsed plasma thruster(IPPT) developed by the National University of Defense Technology(NUDT_IPPTx).As the gas puff distribution over the coil surface is critical to the NUDT_IPPTx functioning efficiently, a fast ionization gauge was developed to investigate the neutral gas pressure profiles to seek the critical time when the thruster is ignited. The gauge was calibrated for argon by using a capacitance manometer. Time-resolved pressure profiles have been acquired in the condition of the gas puff mass matching with the discharge energy and the drive coil parameters of the NUDT_IPPTx. It is demonstrated that the gas injector can supply a gas puff with a sufficiently steep(dp/dt?≈?770 kPa s-1) leading and trailing edge, and the gas puff can be compressed against the drive coil as expected. The critical ignition moment is considered to appear at some instant between 525 μs and 650 μs after the valve trigger.
Dawei GUOMousen CHENGXiaokang LIBixuan CHEXiong YANGMoge WANG