We experimentally study the wavelength dependence of light propagation in a water suspension of lithium niobate microcrystalline particles.First,the ballistic transmission in the visible range of the suspension is measured.The nonlinear relationship is observed between the transport mean free path and the wavelength of the incident light.Secondly,we measure the coherent backscattering (CBS) of the sample at different wavelengths.The full width at half maximum of the CBS cone at 532 nm is about 1.24 times as large as that at 671 nm.The results indicate that the light with a long wavelength propagates further than the short wavelength light and the localization state of the short one is stronger.Finally,we investigate the light-controllable CBS experiments in the disordered materials of anisotropic scatterers,which show that the configuration of pump light with the longer wavelength and the probe light with the shorter wavelength performs better.
SHI FanZHANG XinZhengLI JunWANG PiDongXU YanYU XuanYiXU JingJun
In this review article,we summarized the study of the weak light nonlinear properties associated with group velocity change in the ruby.The ruby could be reduced to a two-level system,in which population oscillations could lead to a subluminal result.With the modulated TEM00 beam introduced into the ruby,self-phase modulation together with Fraunhofer diffractions and nondegenerate two-wave coupling between different spatial frequency components of the beam occurs at the same time.Population oscillations,self-phase modulation together with Fraunhofer diffractions and nondegenerate two-wave coupling mechanism competes with each other,which brings a new phenomenon of self-superluminal group velocity propagation in the ruby.
We report an efficient continuous-wave (CW) tunable intra-cavity singly resonant optical parametric oscillator based on the multi-period periodically poled lithium niobate and using a laser diode (LD) end-pumped CW 1064 nm Nd:YVO4 laser as the pump source. A highly efficiency CW operation is realized through a careful cavity design for mode matching and thermal stability. The signal tuning range is 1401 1500 nm obtained by varying the domain period. The maximum output power of 2.2 W at 1500 nm is obtained with a 17.1 W 808 nm LD power and the corresponding conversion efficiency is 12.9%.
Optical transmission at 532 nm from nonabsorbing disordered porous silicon dioxide has been studied experimentally. The transmission behaviors can be adjusted by filling the pores with liquids of different refractive indics, which are analyzed based on the theory of diffusion in a weak scattering regime. In our experiment, the transmission coefficient changes from a value less than 1% to one that is greater than 75%, that is, the opaque sample becomes transparent, which means that the transport mean free path of light within the material has been effectively adjusted. In addition, this method is a useful nondestructive method to derive the refractive index of an unknown bulk porous material.
The phase shifts of the extinction and refractive index gratings to the illumination pattern are revealed in doped polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). The dynamic process of these shifts is studied via two-wave coupling at 351 nm. It is shown that these shifts are from the strain and the shrinkage inside the sample and accompanied with the photo-repolymerization process during the building process of the holographic grating. Such shifts will cause obvious energy exchange between the two recording beams and enough attention should be paid to the nonlocal property of the holographic gratings of the material in the application.