The performance of the classical clustering algorithm is not always satisfied with the high-dimensional datasets, which make clustering method limited in many application. To solve this problem, clustering method with Projection Pursuit dimension reduction based on Immune Clonal Selection Algorithm (ICSA-PP) is proposed in this paper. Projection pursuit strategy can maintain consistent Euclidean distances between points in the low-dimensional embeddings where the ICSA is used to search optimizing projection direction. The proposed algorithm can converge quickly with less iteration to reduce dimension of some high-dimensional datasets, and in which space, K-mean clustering algorithm is used to partition the reduced data. The experiment results on UCI data show that the presented method can search quicker to optimize projection direction than Genetic Algorithm (GA) and it has better clustering results compared with traditional linear dimension reduction method for Principle Component Analysis (PCA).
An evolutionary network driven by dynamics is studied and applied to the graph coloring problem. From an initial structure, both the topology and the coupling weights evolve according to the dynamics. On the other hand, the dynamics of the network are determined by the topology and the coupling weights, so an interesting structure-dynamics co-evolutionary scheme appears. By providing two evolutionary strategies, a network described by the complement of a graph will evolve into several clusters of nodes according to their dynamics. The nodes in each cluster can be assigned the same color and nodes in different clusters assigned different colors. In this way, a co-evolution phenomenon is applied to the graph coloring problem. The proposed scheme is tested on several benchmark graphs for graph coloring.