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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
在模拟的不同水体富营养化条件下,研究了分别由4种挺水植物[雨久花(Monochoria korsakowii)、黄花鸢尾(Iris wilsonii)、泽泻(Alis maplantago-aquatica)和野慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia)]、4种沉水植物[狐尾藻(Myriophyllum verticillatum)、黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)、金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)和竹叶眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)]组成的群落以及由以上随机2种挺水植物+2种沉水植物组成的混合群落对水体中总氮和总磷的去除作用,旨在明确与单由挺水植物或沉水植物组成的群落相比,由挺水植物与沉水植物混合组成的群落是否对水体中的总氮和总磷具有更强的去除能力,并探讨其去除总氮、总磷的增强作用是否受水体富营养化水平的影响。在实验开始和结束时,分别测定了植物、底泥和水体中的总(全)氮和总(全)磷含量以及植物群落的总生物量。研究结果表明,混合群落中黑藻、金鱼藻、雨久花和黄花鸢尾的相对生长速率和累积生物量显著高于它们在单由挺(沉)水植物组成的群落中的相对生长速率和累积生物量,相应地,混合群落中的黒藻、雨久花和黄花鸢尾的全氮和全磷积累率也显著高于单由挺(沉)水植物组成的群落;与单由挺(沉)水植物组成的群落相比,混合群落具有较高的水体总磷去除率,且随着水体富营养化程度的加重而增大,然而其对水体总氮去除率与单由挺(沉)水植物组成的群落差异不显著;在水体中、高富营养化水平下,混合群落底泥的全氮去除率和全磷积累率显著高于单由挺(沉)水植物组成的群落;在水体不同的富营养化水平下,在所构建的混合群落中,狐尾藻+黒藻+雨久花+黄花鸢尾群落、黑藻+金鱼藻+雨久花+野慈姑群落和黑藻+竹叶眼子菜+泽泻+野慈姑群落群落都表现出较高的水体总氮和总磷去除率。因此,与单由挺(沉)水植物植物组成的群落相比,混合群落生长和生态功能都具有
施氮对空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和莲子草(Alternanthera sessilis)种间关系的影响被引量:17
自然界的氮素释放总是呈现出空间和时间上的异质性,但关于异质性氮释放对于入侵植物和本地植物种间关系影响的研究相对较少。将入侵植物空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和同属本地植物莲子草(Alternanthera sessilis)分别进行单种种植(12株,无种间竞争)和混种种植(每种6株,有种间竞争),模拟大气氮湿沉降设置由两种不同施氮总量(15g N m^(-2)a^(-1)和30g N m^(-2)a^(-1))和两种不同施氮频率(每5天1次和每15天1次)交叉组成的4种施氮处理,并以不施氮为对照。施氮总量的增加显著促进了两种植物的生长,但对两种植物的种间竞争关系没有显著影响。施氮频率对两种植物的生长以及种间竞争关系都没有显著影响。两种植物在面对竞争时表现出不同的生物量分配策略,空心莲子草将更多的生物量分配到茎,而莲子草将更多的生物量分配到根。在全球变化的背景下,大气氮湿沉降可能会改变两种植物的种群结构和动态,但可能对这两种植物的种间关系影响较小。
Soil heterogeneity affects ramet placement of Hydrocotyle vulgaris被引量:7
Aims Soil heterogeneity is common in natural habitats.It may trigger for-aging responses(placing more ramets and/or roots in nutrient-rich patches than in nutrient-poor patches)and further affect the growth of plants.However,the impact of soil heterogeneity on competitive interactions has been little tested.Methods We conducted a greenhouse experiment to investigate the effects of soil heterogeneity on intraspecific competition with a stolonif-erous herb Hydrocotyle vulgaris.We grew one(without com-petition)or nine ramets(with competition)of H.vulgaris under a homogeneous environment and two heterogeneous environ-ments differing in patch size(large or small patches).In the het-erogeneous treatment,the soil consisted of the same number of nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor patches arranged in a chessboard manner,and in the homogeneous treatment,the soil was an even mixture of the same amount of the nutrient-rich and the nutrient-poor soil.Important Findings Irrespective of intraspecific competition,H.vulgaris showed for-aging responses to soil heterogeneity in the large patch treatment,e.g.it produced significantly more biomass,ramets,aboveground mass and root mass in the nutrient-rich patches than in the nutrient-poor patches.In the small patch treatment,foraging responses were observed when intraspecific competition was present,but responses were not observed when there was no competition.However,we find a significant effect of soil heterogeneity on neither overall growth nor competitive intensity of H.vulgaris.Our results suggest that foraging responses to soil heterogeneity may not necessarily be adaptive and intraspecific competition may not be influenced by soil heterogeneity.
Bi-Cheng DongJiu-Zhong WangRui-Hua LiuMing-Xiang ZhangFang-Li LuoFei-Hai Yu
Effects of salinity and clonal integration on the amphibious plant Paspalum paspaloides:growth,photosynthesis and tissue ion regulation被引量:2
Aims Clonal integration can increase performance of clonal plants suffer-ing from environmental stress,and clonal plants in many wetlands commonly face stress of flooding accompanied by salinity.However,few studies have tested roles of clonal integration in amphibious plants expanding from terrestrial to aquatic saline habitats.Methods Basal(older)ramets of clonal fragments of Paspalum paspaloides were grown in soil to simulate terrestrial habitats,whereas their apical(younger)ramets were placed at the surface of saline water containing 0,50,150 and 250 mmol l^(−1)NaCl to mimic different salinity levels in aquatic habitats.Stolons connecting the apical and basal ramets were either intact(connected)to allow clonal integra-tion or severed(disconnected)to prevent integration.Important Findings Increasing salinity level significantly decreased the growth of the apical ramets of P.paspaloides,and such effects on the leaf growth were much higher without than with stolon connection after 60-day treatment.Meanwhile,leaf and total mass ratios of the connected to the disconnected apical ramets were higher at high than at low saline treatments.Correspondingly,Fv/Fm and F/Fm′of the apical ramets were higher with than without stolon connection in highly saline treatments.The results suggest that clonal integration can benefit the spread of apical ramets from terrestrial soil into saline water,and that the positive effects increase with increasing salinity.However,clonal integration did not significantly affect the growth of the whole frag-ments.Due to clonal integration,Na^(+)could be translocated from the apical to the basal ramets to alleviate ion toxicity in apical ramets.Our results suggest that clonal integration benefits the expansion of P.paspaloides from terrestrial to aquatic saline habitats via maintained photosynthetic capacities and changed biomass allocation pattern.
Ya-Ping XingGuan-Wen WeiFang-Li LuoChao-Yang LiBi-Cheng DongJie-Shan JiFei-Hai Yu
Does hydrological fluctuation alter impacts of species richness on biomass in wetland plant communities?被引量:5
Aims The diversity-productivity relationship is one of the most critical questions in ecology and can be altered by environmental factors.Hydrological fluctuation affects growth of wetland plants,and such effects vary with plant species.Therefore,we hypothesized that hydrological fluctuation changes effects of species richness on productivity of wetland plant communities.Methods We constructed wetland plant communities consisting of three or six wetland plant species and subjected them to hydrological fluctuation(i.e.gradually changing water level)of two frequencies and two ranges,with unchanged water level as the control.We measured height,root and shoot dry mass of each plant at harvest.Important Findings Hydrological fluctuation significantly decreased biomass of wetland plant communities,which was due to impacts of fluctuation range,but not those of fluctuation frequency.Community biomass was significantly higher when species richness was higher,and such an effect did not depend on hydrological fluctuation.Therefore,hydrological fluctuation can decrease the productivity of wetland plant communities but may not alter the diversity-productivity relationship.
Fang-Li LuoXing-Xing JiangHong-Li LiFei-Hai Yu
采用8对简单重复序列(simple sequence repeat,SSR)引物对克隆植物蛇莓33个野生种群353个个体的遗传多样性及遗传结构进行分析。结果表明,参试的33个种群中的平均等位基因数(A)为2.841,平均多态性位点(PPL)为88.6%,平均期望杂合度(He)为0.494,平均Nei’s遗传多样性指数(h)为0.468。所有参试样本中共有223个基因型。该物种的克隆多样性和等位基因水平的变异均较高,各种群的平均基因型数(G)为6.758,平均克隆大小(N/G)为2.063,克隆多样性指数Simpson指数(D)为0.769,基因型均匀度(E)为0.769。基于分子的方差分析结果表明,蛇莓野生种群间和种群内的分化系数分别为0.55和0.45,这说明蛇莓种群间和种群内遗传分化均显著。STRUCTURE分析和基于Nei’s遗传一致度的UPGMA聚类结果表明,参试的33个野生种群可分为四大类群。Mantel相关性分析结果表明,种群间遗传距离与其地理距离不存在显著相关关系(r=0.052,P=0.150)。该研究结果说明蛇莓野生种群的遗传多样性高,所有种群均为多克隆种群,且基因型的局域性很强,其中82.6%的基因型为局部基因型,不存在广布基因型。物种水平的遗传差异主要表现在种群间,但在种群内也较高,这表明该物种在种群间和种群内在一定程度上能通过有性繁殖进行基因交流。蛇莓种群建群者的奠基者效应和所在位置生态因子对其遗传多样性和遗传结构的形成和进化具有重要的意义。
已有研究表明土壤养分异质性能显著影响植物的生长,但其对植物种内竞争的影响却很少被研究。本研究将1棵(无种内竞争)或者9棵(有种内竞争)香菇草(Hydrocotyle vulgaris)分株分别种植在土壤养分同质环境或者2个不同养分对比度的异质环境中(养分高对比度的斑块和养分低对比度的斑块)。研究结果表明,在异质环境中,香菇草能够在高养分斑块中放置更多的根;但是,只有生长在高对比度处理中的香菇草才能在高养分斑块产生更多的生物量和分株。这种对异质环境的响应策略将抑制香菇草个体的生长,但是不会改变香菇草的种内竞争强度。试验结果表明,对于生长在异质性环境中的植物而言,分株和根的选择性放置可能不是一直有效的策略。当植物对养分表现出相似的吸收能力时,植物的种内竞争强度可能也不完全取决于土壤养分的异质性分布。