The ground penetrating radar (GPR) detection data is a wide band signal, always disturbed by some noise, such as ambient random noise and muhiple refleetion waves. The noise affects the target identification of underground medium seriously. A method based on principal component analysis (PCA) was proposed to ex- tract the target signal and remove the uncorrelated noise. According to the correlation of signal, the authors get the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors by decomposing the covariance matrix of GPR data and make linear transformation for the GPR data to get the principal components (PCs). The lower-order PCs stand h^r the strong correlated target signals of the raw data, and the higher-order ones present the uneorrelated noise. Thus the authors can extract the target signal and filter uncorrelated noise effectively by the PCA. This method was demonstrated on real ultra-wideband through-wall radar data and simulated GPR data. Both of the results show that the PCA method can effectively extract the GPR target signal and remove the uncorrelated noise.
The travel time and amplitude of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) waves are closely related to medium parameters such as water content, porosity, and dielectric permittivity. However, conventional estimation methods, which are mostly based on wave velocity, are not suitable for real complex media because of limited resolution. Impedance inversion uses the reflection coefficient of radar waves to directly calculate GPR impedance and other parameters of subsurface media. We construct a 3D multiscale stochastic medium model and use the mixed Gaussian and exponential autocorrelation function to describe the distribution of parameters in real subsurface media. We introduce an elliptical Gaussian function to describe local random anomalies. The tapering function is also introduced to reduce calculation errors caused by the numerical simulation of discrete grids. We derive the impedance inversion workflow and test the calculation precision in complex media. Finally, we use impedance inversion to process GPR field data in a polluted site in Mongolia. The inversion results were constrained using borehole data and validated by resistivity data.