In order to ensure on-time arrival when travelersmake their trips, the stochastic network assignment modelunder uncertainty of travel time is investigated. First, basedon travelers' route choice behavior, the reliable travel timeconfidence level (RTTCL), which is the probability that a triparrives within the shortest average travel time plus theacceptable travel time difference, is defined. Then, areliability-based user equilibrium (RUE) model, whichhypothesizes that for each OD pair no traveler can improvehis/her RTTCL by unilaterally changing routes, is built.Since the traditional traffic assignment algorithms are notfeasible to solve the RUE model, a quasi method of successiveaverage (QMSA) is developed. Using Nguyen-Dupuis andSioux Falls networks, the model and the algorithm are tested.The results show that the QMSA algorithm can rapidlyconverge to a high accuracy for solving the proposed RUEmodel, and the RUE model can provide a good response totravelers' behavior in the stochastic network.
Advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) can not only improve drivers' accessibility to the more accurate route travel time information, but also can improve drivers' adaptability to the stochastic network capacity degradations. In this paper, a mixed stochastic user equilibrium model was proposed to describe the interactive route choice behaviors between ATIS equipped and unequipped drivers on a degradable transport network. In the proposed model the information accessibility of equipped drivers was reflected by lower degree of uncertainty in their stochastic equilibrium flow distributions, and their behavioral adaptability was captured by multiple equilibrium behaviors over the stochastic network state set. The mixed equilibrium model was formulated as a fixed point problem defined in the mixed route flows, and its solution was achieved by executing an iterative algorithm. Numerical experiments were provided to verify the properties of the mixed network equilibrium model and the efficiency of the iterative algorithm.