Hybrid nematic films have been studied by Monte Carlo simulations using a lattice spin model, in which the pair potential is spatially anisotropic and dependent on elastic constants of liquid crystals. We confirm in the thin hybrid nematic film the existence of a biaxially nonbent structure and the structure transition from the biaxial to the bent-director structure, which is similar to the result obtained using the Lebwoh-Lasher model. However, the step-like director's profile, characteristic for the biaxial structure, is spatially asymmetric in the film because the pair potential leads to K1 ≠ K3. We estimate the upper cell thickness to be 69 spin layers, in which the biaxial structure can be found.
合成了6个含偶氮基团的具有不同苯环个数的不对称弯曲型液晶分子,用1 H NMR、HRMS表征其结构,采用差示扫描量热法(DSC)和偏光显微镜(POM)研究其液晶性能。考察结果表明:所有化合物均出现了液晶相,特别是含有3个苯环的分子在较低温度下出现了向列相;偶氮基团的吸收光谱在330~360nm出现了较强的由π-π*电子跃迁引起的吸收,在430~450nm出现了较弱的由n-π*电子跃迁引起的吸收,其吸收波长的变化表明分子的弯曲形状和电子分布使分子吸收波长有较大的变化。