提出了一种模拟波浪作用下海床土体动态孔隙水压累积响应的有限元模型,与Clukey et a1.(1983)的波浪水槽实验结果进行了验证分析。通过算例,研究了海床土层厚度对孔隙水压累积速率和残余孔压幅值,以及累积液化深度的影响。结果表明,累积液化深度随海床厚度的增大而逐步增加;当土体厚度接近一个波长时,液化深度趋于无限厚度海床液化深度的理论值。
The assessment of the wave-induced soil liquefaction plays a key role in the geotechnical design for offshore foundations. The underlying shortcomings of the existing momentary liquefaction criteria are identified and clarified by mechanism analyses and the recent field observations. A modified criterion for the wave-induced momentary liquefaction of a sandy seabed is given to describe the vertical pore- pressure distributions. An improved approximation of the momentary liquefaction depth is further presented. Parametric study of the effects of the saturation degree of soils indicates that this modification is significant for the evaluation of wave-induced momentary liauefaction.
A slip-line field solution is presented for the ultimate bearing capacity of the pipeline on a purely-cohesive clay soil, taking into account the circular configuration of the pipe, the pipe embedment, and the pipe-soil interfacial cohesion. The derived bearing capacity factors for a smooth rigid pipe limit to those for the conventional rectangular strip footing while the pipe embedment approaches zero. Parametric studies indicate that, the pipe-soil interfacial properties have much influence on the bearing capacity for the pipe foundation on clayedy soils.