文章旨在思考民族地区创新创业教育服务乡村振兴的路径探索而做出详细和深刻的思考,首先从党和政府对高校创新创业教育和乡村振兴的重视出发,详细剖析了高校创新创业教育与乡村振兴两者之间的关系,指出高校创新创业教育对乡村振兴具有很大的推动作用,从而引入民族地区创新创业教育服务乡村振兴的路径研究的原因和提出本问题研究的目的和意义及价值。文章详细梳理了国内外对创新创业教育与乡村振兴之间的研究现状及进展,寻找有关研究不足和切入点也为本问题的研究寻找到研究的必要性和重要性及迫切性;指出了本问题研究的对象、思路和方法;阐述了本问题研究可能产生的创新点和成果,并预见本问题研究成果可能产生的实际作用和社会效益。This paper aims to explore the path of innovation and entrepreneurship education serving rural revitalization in ethnic areas and make detailed and profound reflections. First, it analyzes the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities and rural revitalization from the perspective of the Party and the government’s emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities and rural revitalization, and points out that innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities plays a great role in promoting rural revitalization. This paper introduces the reasons for the research on the path of innovation and entrepreneurship education serving rural revitalization in ethnic areas and puts forward the purpose, significance and value of this research. This paper reviews the research status and progress of the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship education and rural revitalization at home and abroad in detail, seeks for the lack of relevant research and the entry point, and finds the necessity, importance and urgency of the research on this issue. The object,