Based on the data of stand investigation and stem analysis, the effects of climate factors on the poplar protection forest increment in the riverbank field of the Dalinghe and Xiaolinghe rivers of Liaoning Province, China were studied by step-wise regression procedure and grey system theories and methods. A regression model reflecting the correlation between the height increment of poplar protection forest and climatic factors was developed. The order of grey relevance for the effect of climatic factors on the height increment of poplar protection forest is: light>water>heat, and it could be interpreted that the poplar increment was mainly influenced by light factor, water factor, and heat factor. This result will provide scientific basis for the in-tensive cultivation and regeneration of the poplar protection forest in riverbank field in similar regions in China.
温室条件下,研究不同补光光源对丛枝菌根(A rbuscu lar m ycorrh izae,AM)真菌G lom us m osseae生长发育的影响。结果表明:不同补光光源的光谱不同,对菌根共生体生长发育的影响不同,以农艺钠灯作为补光光源处理的宿主植物的光合速率及可溶性糖含量高于其它两种光源处理,综合比较菌根长度、根外菌丝量及孢子数三项指标,以农艺钠灯作为补充光源对真菌G.m osseae的生长发育最为有利。金属卤灯、荧光灯两处理宿主植物中氮、磷浓度高于农艺钠灯处理,可能对菌根真菌的生长发育有不利影响。因此,工厂化AM菌剂生产中,如果需要补充光照,应以农艺钠灯作为补光光源。