In order to study the successive deposition and solidification processes of uniform alloy droplets during the drop-on-demand three dimensional(3D) printing method,based on the volume of fluid(VOF) method,a 3D numerical model was employed.In this model,the 7075 alloy with larger temperature range for phase change was used.The simulation results show that the successive deposition and solidification processes of uniform 7075 alloy droplets can be well characterized by this model.Simulated droplets shapes agree well with SEM images under the same condition.The effects of deposition and solidification of droplets result in vertical and L-shaped ridges on the surface of droplets,and tips of dendrites appear near the overlap of droplets due to rapid solidification.
基于改进的水平集法(Level Set Method)建立了金属液滴按需喷射过程的有限元模型,研究了气体脉冲作用下金属液滴的喷出过程,考察了脉冲宽度及脉冲压力对液滴初始速度及尺寸的影响。结果表明:水平集方法可以有效追踪按需喷射铝液滴和保护气体间的自由界面;液滴直径随脉冲宽度呈线性增加,但液滴初始速度变化不大;随着脉冲压力的升高,液滴初始速度显著增加,但液滴直径变化不大。