A study on the anthropogenic 129I in the environments around the high radioactivity sites has been carried out. The samples were collected from the surface waters and ground waters. 129I contents in the samples were measured using the AMS system at the China Institute of Atomic Energy. The 129I contents in The measured samples around the high radioactivity sites range from 108 atoms/l to 109 atoms/l. The result shows that 129I contents in the water samples collected in the vicinity of high radio-activity sites is many orders of magnitude higher than the content in the original rain water. 129I may be used as an environment monitor around the nuclear sites.
本文对 110 m Ag在海洋环境中的化学形态和在底泥上的吸附行为及在海洋生物中的浓集状况进行了研究。结果表明 ,110 m Ag在海水中以110 m Ag+ ∶ 110 m Ag Cl2 -≈ 10 -5存在 ,且当 [Ag+ ][Cl-]达到 Ag Cl的溶度积 (1.56× 10 -10 )时便生成 Ag Cl沉淀。海水中的 110 m Ag在底泥上的吸附系数随温度的升高或固液体积比增大而减小 ,尤其是受水质影响很大 ,海水中 110 m Ag在底泥中的吸附系数 (10 2 )比淡水中低两个量级。海洋生物对海水中的 110 m Ag有较强的浓集作用 ,依生物种类不同其生物累积因子的量级为 10 2~ 10 4。