目的:利用数据挖掘,分析卢云教授治疗亚急性咳嗽的用药特点,探讨其用药规律;方法:收集2023年06月01日至2023年10月30日于成都中医药大学附属医院卢云教授门诊就诊的亚急性咳嗽患者处方,对中药进行频数分析、关联规则分析、聚类分析及复杂网络分析;结果:共纳入120首中药处方,涉及药物67味,关联规则20条,聚类分析得到4类药物;复杂网络分析提示桔梗、浙贝母、甘草、白芷、紫苏叶、细辛、荆芥、薄荷等18味药物之间的关联度最高;结论:卢云教授治疗亚急性咳嗽以祛风化痰,宣肺止咳为主,常用处方以加味止嗽散为主。Objective: In order to better guide clinical practice, based on the data of Professor Lu Yun’s diagnosis and treatment of subacute cough patients, the data mining was used to analyze the medication characteristics of Professor Lu Yun’s treatment of subacute cough and explore its medication rules. Methods: The prescriptions of patients with subacute cough who were treated in the outpatient department of Professor Lu Yun of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from June 1, 2023 to October 30, 2023 were collected, and the frequency descriptive analysis, association rule analysis, cluster analysis and complex network analysis of traditional Chinese medicine were carried out. Results: A total of 120 prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine were included, involving 67 kinds of drugs. There were 20 association rules. Four kinds of drugs were obtained by cluster analysis. Complex network analysis showed that the correlation between 18 drugs such as platycodon grandiflorum, fritillaria thunbergii, liquorice, angelica dahurica, perilla leaf, asarum, schi- zonepetae and mint was the highest. Conclusion: Professor Lu Yun’s treatment of subacute cough is mainly based on dispelling wind and resolving phlegm, dispersing lung and relieving cough, and the commonly used prescription is mainly Jiawei Zhisou Powde