【目的】利用气相色谱-燃烧-同位素比值质谱仪(gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio masss pectrometry,GC-C-IRMS)测定小麦籽粒氨基酸碳氮稳定同位素组成。【方法】以小麦临汾50744为材料,水解得到其籽粒蛋白质氨基酸,将氨基酸标准样品以及小麦籽粒氨基酸衍生化为N-新戊酰基,O-异丙醇(N-pivaloyl-isopropyl,NPP)氨基酸酯,利用GC-C-IRMS测定其碳氮稳定同位素组成。【结果】氨基酸标准样品的碳氮同位素组成分析表明,NPP氨基酸酯的平均重现性δ13C为0.47‰,δ15N为0.28‰,并没有产生大的同位素分馏,因此δ13C和δ15N都能得到满意的测定结果。运用GC-C-IRMS测定了小麦临汾50744籽粒蛋白质氨基酸的稳定碳氮同位素的自然丰度,其中δ13C的变化范围在-28.7‰到-34.7‰,δ15N的变化范围为-6.2‰到9.5‰。采用系统聚类分析进行分类,根据δ13C可以将氨基酸分为两类;根据δ15N可以将氨基酸分为三类。【结论】运用GC-C-IRMS结合NPP氨基酸酯衍生物可以测定小麦籽粒氨基酸的稳定碳氮同位素,这对于揭示氨基酸代谢途径的差异以及逆境胁迫下氨基酸的合成差异具有重要的意义。
The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the most important agricultural re- gions in China, but it is experiencing a serious water-resource crisis due to exces- sive exploitation of groundwater reserves. Improving water-use efficiency (WUE) of crops is thought to have good potential for conserving groundwater and in maintain- ing high crop production in the region, In this paper, firstly, strategies for improving WUE of crop cultivars in the NCP were discussed. According to studies on key factors affecting cultivar WUE, stomatal conductance, which has large genotypic variability and differs among cultivars in response to drought, is an important physio- logical trait associating closely with the performance of cultivars in WUE and yield. Higher WUE and higher yield may be obtained through strategies of cultivar adop- tion with appropriate stomatal characteristics suitable to different conditions of water availability. Secondly, irrigation scheduling in the North China Plain was further dis- cussed. The irrigation frequency currently employed in this area could be reduced by at least one application (from four to three applications) to obtain higher produc- tion and also higher WUE. Finally, straw mulching and the use of early vigor culti- vats were suggested as two practices that had the potential to be effective in in- creasing crop WUE.