鲁迅在《藤野先生》(1926)一文中曾经提及这封"托尔斯泰式的信"。文章刊登于1904年6月27日《伦敦时报》;中文版根据美国芝加哥哈默斯马克出版公司1904年的重印英文版和苏联国家文学出版社1928-1958年出版的《托尔斯泰全集》第36卷俄文版译出。这是俄国批判现实主义作家、思想家、哲学家托尔斯泰直抒胸臆的一篇反战檄文,构思于1904年2月9日,即日俄战争爆发的次日,2月12日动笔写作,历时三个月完成。文章标题可以追溯到莎士比亚于17世纪初创作的四大悲剧之一《奥赛罗》第五幕第二场中奥赛罗的一句台词:"要是你想到在你的一生之中,还有什么罪恶不曾为上帝所宽宥,赶快恳求他的恩赦吧(If you bethink yourself of any crime,unreconciled as yet to heaven and grace,solicit for it straight.)。"该文为深入研究日俄战争提供了一个独特的视角,也为透析托尔斯泰的战争观、宗教观和生命观提供了全新的素材。
在全球化背景下,各个文明不断加深交融。对外翻译是文明交流的基石,当今外国作品的内译愈发繁荣,而我国文学的对外翻译,尤其是中国传统典籍中古代诗歌翻译略显不足。中国古代诗歌注重音韵美的同时也存在部分常见典故、意象被诗人赋予特定情感的现象,如何对这部分词语进行准确而不失音韵美的翻译是典籍外译急需解决的问题。本文基于英俄文本对中国先秦至唐时期诗歌中典故,常见意象以及特有动植物名词的译介来探究中国传统典籍外译小于内译的原因,旨在帮助不同文化的受众更好地了解中国传统文化,推进中国传统文化的外译及走出去战略的实施。Under the background of globalisation, all civilisations are deepening and blending. Foreign translation is the cornerstone of civilisation exchange. Today, the internal translation of foreign works is becoming more and more prosperous, while the foreign translation of Chinese literature, especially the translation of ancient poems in the Chinese traditional canon, is slightly insufficient. Ancient Chinese poetry focuses on the beauty of sound and rhyme, but there are also some common allusions and imagery that are endowed with specific emotions by the poets, so how to accurately translate this part of the words without losing the beauty of sound and rhyme, is the problems that need to be solved urgently in the translation of the Chinese traditional classics. Based on the translations of allusions, common imagery, and unique plant and animal nouns in Chinese poetry from the Qin to the Tang dynasties in English and Russian, this paper explores the reasons why the translation of traditional Chinese texts is smaller than the internal translation, aiming at helping audiences of different cultures to better understand traditional Chinese culture, and advancing the implementation of the strategy of translating traditional Chinese culture into foreign languages and going out.
地名不仅仅是一个地区的称谓,更是特定位置的地貌特征与风土人情的语言符号。俄汉地名背后蕴含着不同的语言文化元素,本文聚焦于俄汉地名的构成特征,采用分类研究和对比研究的方法,探讨了地名背后的语言文化元素。研究发现,中俄两国的地区命名都受到了自然环境、地理特征、历史人文等要素的影响,但具体的地区命名中又存在一定的差异。因此对于地名的研究对于两国地理、历史及文化等领域的研究具有重要的意义,对于地名文化资源的充分认识和保护可以更好地继承和发扬优秀的传统文化。A geographical name is not merely a designation for a region;it is also a linguistic symbol representing the landforms and local customs of a specific location. Behind Russian and Chinese geographical names lie distinct linguistic and cultural elements. This paper focuses on the formation characteristics of Russian and Chinese geographical names, employing classification and comparative research methods to explore the linguistic and cultural elements embedded in these names. The study finds that the naming of regions in both China and Russia has been influenced by natural environments, geographical features, historical and cultural factors, yet there are certain differences in the specific naming of regions. Therefore, the study of geographical names holds significant importance for research in the fields of geography, history, and culture of both countries. A thorough understanding and preservation of geographical name cultural resources can better inherit and promote excellent traditional cultures.