In 2004, {38 972} malaria cases and {106 704} suspected cases with 31 deaths were reported by the annual case reporting system in {1 005} counties of 23 Provinces/Municipality/Autonomous Region (P/M/A) and the annual incidence was 0^38/{10 000}, a decrease of 4^2% than that of the last year, which is the year that the disease was slightly rolled back after consecutively increased since 2001. As an important development of the case reporting system,the internet reporting system started in 2004,majority of the malaria cases ({38 254}) were reported through internet from {1 074} counties of all the 30 P/M/A except Qinghai Province. ;Among the {1 005} counties with reported malaria cases, 32 counties were with an incidence of more than 10/{10 000} distributing in Yunnan (19 counties), Hainan (10) and Anhui (3). There were 61 counties in which the malaria incidence was between 1/{10 000} and 10/{10 000}.The number of Plasmodium falciparum malaria cases was 4 891, accounting for 12^6% of the total cases, of which 35^0% (1 714) were imported cases reported in 174 counties/cities of 18 P/M/A. Indigenous falciparum malaria was found in 45 counties/cities of Yunnan and Hainan Provinces, of which 29 counties/cities were in Yunnan, decreased by 35, 16 were in Hainan, increased by 2 compared to that of 2003.;Yunnan and Hainan Provinces are still the relatively high transmission areas. Yunnan has ranked No^1 in the country in terms of the number of cases while Hainan ranked No^1 by malaria incidence in recent years. {22 247} malaria cases were reported from the two provinces in 2004, accounting for 57^1% of the total reported cases in the country. There were {12 865} cases with 25 deaths reported from Yunnan, and the incidence was 3^09/{10 000}, a decrease of 16^6% than that in the last year. Among the reported cases, {3 251} were falciparum malaria, decreased by 7^9% in comparison to 2003. The number of reported cases in Hainan was 9 832, with an incidence of 11^64/{10 000}, 46^6% increase than the last year.;In central China
Totally,42 319 malaria cases and 57 787 suspected cases with 48 deaths were reported by the Annual Case Repor-ting System in 1186 counties of 21 Provinces/Municipality/Autonomous Region(P/M/A) in 2005,and the annual incidence was 0.59/10 000,an increase of 55.3% than that of the last year.Through the Case Reporting Information System,an internet reporting process started in 2004,40 371 malaria cases were reported from 1 075 counties of 31 P/M/A.The number of malaria cases and the rank of P/M/A were basically in concordance by the two systems.Among the 1186 counties with reported malaria cases,27 counties had an incidence of more than 10/10 000 distributed in Yunnan(15 counties),Hainan(7 counties) and Anhui(5 counties).There were 80 counties in which the malaria incidence was between 1/10 000 and 10/10 000.The number of Plasmodium falciparum malaria cases was 4 146,accounting for 9.8% of the total cases,of which 63.5%(2 632) were imported cases in 178 counties/cities of 18 P/M/A.Indigenous falciparum malaria was found in 47 counties/cities of Yunnan and Hainan Provinces,of which 31 counties/cities were in Yunnan,increased by 29,16 counties/cities were in Hainan,same with that of 2004.Yunnan and Hainan Provinces are still relatively high transmission areas.Yunnan ranked No.2 in the country in terms of the number of cases while Hainan ranked No.1 by malaria incidence in 2005.19 588 malaria cases were reported from the two provinces in 2005,accounting for 46.3% of the total reported cases in the country.There were 15 072 cases with 38 deaths reported from Yunnan,the incidence was 4.95/10 000,an increase of 60.2% than that in the last year.Among the reported cases,3 497 were falciparum malaria with 69.0% imported from the bordering nations.The number of reported cases in Hainan was 4 516,with an incidence of 5.46/10 000,53.1% decrease than the last year.In central China,the resurgence of malaria was considerable in provinces along the Huai River,especially in Anhui Province.The number of malaria cases in Anhui came to