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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Effect of solution treatment and aging on microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy被引量:6
As-received nickel-titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloy with a nominal composition of Ni50.9Ti49.1 (mole fraction,%) was subjected to solution treatment at 1123 K for 2 h and subsequent aging for 2 h at 573 K, 723 K and 873 K, respectively. The influence of solution treatment and aging on microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of NiTi alloy was systematically investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and compression test. Solution treatment contributes to eliminating the Ti2Ni phase in the as-received NiTi sample, in which the TiC phase is unable to be removed. Solution treatment leads to ordered domain of atomic arrangement in NiTi alloy. In all the aged NiTi samples, the Ni4Ti3 precipitates, the R phase and the B2 austenite coexist in the NiTi matrix at room temperature, while the martensitic twins can be observed in the NiTi samples aged at 873 K. In the NiTi samples aged at 573 and 723 K, the fine and dense Ni4Ti3 precipitates distribute uniformly in the NiTi matrix, and thus they are coherent with the B2 matrix. However, in the NiTi sample aged at 873 K, the Ni4Ti3 precipitates exhibit the very inhomogeneous size, and they are coherent, semi-coherent and incoherent with the B2 matrix. In the case of aging at 723 K, the NiTi sample exhibits the maximum yield strength, where the fine and homogeneous Ni4Ti3 precipitates act as the effective obstacles against the dislocation motion, which results in the maximum critical resolved shear stress for dislocation slip.
Crystallization of amorphous NiTi shape memory alloy fabricated by severe plastic deformation被引量:5
Based on the local canning compression,severe plastic deformation(SPD) is able to lead to the almost complete amorphous nickel-titanium shape memory alloy(NiTi SMA),in which a small amount of retained nanocrystalline phase is embedded in the amorphous matrix.Crystallization of amorphous NiTi alloy annealed at 573,723 and 873 K was investigated,respectively.The crystallization kinetics of the amorphous NiTi alloy can be mathematically described by the Johnson-MehlAvrami-Kolmogorov(JMAK) equation.NiTi SMA with a complete nanocrystalline phase is obtained in the case of annealing at 573 K and 723 K,where martensite phase transformation is suppressed due to the constraint of the grain boundaries.Crystallization of amorphous NiTi alloy at 873 K leads to the coarse-grained NiTi sample,where(001) martensite compound twin is observed at room temperature.It can be found that the martensitic twins preferentially nucleate at the grain boundary and they grow up towards the two different grains.SPD based on the local canning compression and subsequent annealing provides a new approach to obtain the nanocrystalline NiTi SMA.
Influence of Ni_4Ti_3 precipitates on phase transformation of NiTi shape memory alloy被引量:4
Ni Ti shape memory alloy samples were aged for 2 h at 573, 723 and 873 K, respectively. Two R-phase variants are observed in the Ni Ti samples aged at 573 and 723 K, where the orientation relationship between the two R-phase variants and the B2 matrix is determined. In the Ni Ti samples aged at 573 and 723 K, fine and homogeneous Ni4Ti3 precipitates are coherent with the B2 austenite matrix. The Ni4Ti3 particles precipitate in the grain interior and at the grain boundaries, where the heterogeneous Ni4Ti3 precipitates are coherent, semi-coherent and incoherent with the B2 matrix in the Ni Ti sample aged at 873 K. As for the Ni Ti sample aged at 873 K, one-stage phase transformation from B19' martensite to B2 austenite occurs on heating, but two-stage phase transformation of B2-R-B19' arises on cooling. The Ni Ti sample aged at 723 K shows two-stage phase transformation of B2-R-B19' on cooling as well, but exhibits two-stage phase transformation of B19'-R-B2 on heating. The Ni Ti sample aged at 573 K exhibits three-stage transformation on cooling due to local stress inhomogeneity and local composition inhomogeneity around the Ni4Ti3 precipitates.
Plastic yielding of NiTi shape memory alloy under local canning compression被引量:3
As a new attempt, local canning compression was applied in order to implement large plastic deformation of nickel-titanium shape memory alloy (NiTi SMA) at room temperature. The plastic mechanics of local canning compression of NiTi SMA was analyzed according to the slab method as the well as plastic yield criterion. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to study the microstructural evolution as well as deformation behavior of NiTi samples under local canning compression. Increasing the hydrostatic pressure with the increase in the outer diameters of the steel cans is responsible for suppressing the initiation and growth of the micro-cracks, which contributes to enhancing the plasticity ofNiTi SMA and avoiding the occurrence of brittle fracture. Plastic deformation of NiTi SMA under a three-dimensional compressive stress state meets von-Mises yield criterion at the true strains ranging from about 0.15 to 0.50, while in the case of larger plastic strain, von-Mises yield criterion is unable to be met since the amorphous phase arises in the deformed NiTi sample.