NASVD方法(noise-adjusted singular value decomposition)是一种基于多元统计分析来降低测量固有噪声的数据处理方法,通过将多道航空γ能谱仪采集到的大量测点构成的谱线矩阵分解为若干特征向量,再舍弃仅反映噪声的部分特征向量,利用噪声较少的特征向量对谱线矩阵进行重组。重组后,谱线矩阵中提取出的钾、铀、钍窗的计数率噪声均显著降低。笔者主要通过一些实际测区数据的处理结果来讨论聚类NASVD方法在不同情况测区的实际降噪效果。使用该方法分别对不同比例尺及飞行高度的实际测量数据进行了成图处理,并对处理结果进行了比较。在小比例尺航空γ能谱测量中,本方法优势并不十分显著。但在大比例尺,低高度的测量中,NASVD方法在空间分辨上较传统简单滤波方法有着非常明显的优势。
The full magnetic gradient tensor (MGT) refers to the spatial change rate of the three field components of the geomagnetic field vector along three mutually orthogonal axes. The tensor is of use to geological mapping, resources exploration, magnetic navigation, and others. However, it is very difficult to measure the full magnetic tensor gradient using existing engineering technology. We present a method to use triaxial aeromagnetic gradient measurements for deriving the full MGT. The method uses the triaxial gradient data and makes full use of the variation of the magnetic anomaly modulus in three dimensions to obtain a self-consistent magnetic tensor gradient. Numerical simulations show that the full MGT data obtained with the proposed method are of high precision and satisfy the requirements of data processing. We selected triaxial aeromagnetic gradient data from the Hebei Province for calculating the full MGT. Data processing shows that using triaxial tensor gradient data allows to take advantage of the spatial rate of change of the total field in three dimensions and suppresses part of the independent noise in the aeromagnetic gradient. The calculated tensor components have improved resolution, and the transformed full tensor gradient satisfies the requirement of geological mapping and interpretation.