使用云水资源监测评估方法(CWR-MEM)和NCEP/NCAR的FNL再分析数据,对2018~2020年海南空中水资源的分布特征和变化趋势进行研究,分析水汽、水凝物和云水资源的状况,估算云水资源人工增雨潜力。结果表明:1. 海南的年均降水量为1783.7 mm,年均水汽总量22651.0亿吨,年均水凝物总量639.5亿吨,年均云水资源总量31.4亿吨;2. 从各边界净输入的年均水汽总量为−219.0亿吨,年均水凝物总量为−1.3亿吨,水汽和水凝物都从岛内区域向外流出;3. 海南不同区域中,北部和中部水凝物总量较大,中部云系有较高的降水效率,云水资源总量也最为丰富;西部区域水凝物总量为各部区域中最少,降水效率也最低,都有很大一部分云水资源可供开发利用;4. 海南岛水汽分布是北部的水汽总量最多,西部的水汽总量最少,西部少、四周多;5. 水凝物的分布与降水相类似,北部、中部和南部的水凝物总量较为丰富,西部的水凝物总量最小;6. 水凝物明显小于水汽1至2个数量级,且空间分布不均匀;7. 水汽主要位于海南岛的沿海地区,最小值在西部;而水凝物的最大值位于中北部或中南部,依次往本岛四周减少。The distribution characteristics and variation trends of atmospheric water resource are studied in Hainan from 2018 to 2020, employing the Cloud Water Resource Monitoring and Evaluation Method (CWR-MEM) along with NCEP/NCAR FNL reanalysis data. The status of water vapor, hydrometeors, and cloud water resource is analyzed. And the artificial rainfall enhancement potential from cloud water resource is estimated. The results show that: 1. The annual average precipitation in Hainan is 1783.7 mm, the annual average total amount of atmospheric water vapor is 2265.10 billion tons, the annual average total amount of atmospheric hydrometeors is 63.95 billion tons, and the annual average total amount of cloud water resource is 3.14 billion tons. 2. The annual average total amount of atmosp