近年来,跨境电商依托互联网技术迅速发展,成为国际贸易中的新兴产业模式。然而,跨境电商中知识产权侵权的法律风险成为制约其进一步发展的关键因素。目前我国跨境电商知识产权法律体系尚不完善、不同国家间的法律制度存在差异、传统跨境纠纷解决机制的高成本和低效率等是引起知识产权侵权风险的主要原因。基于此,本文为避免跨境电商中的知识产权法律风险提出应对的措施,其中包括完善跨境电商知识产权法律制度,细化相关法律法规;建立健全跨境电商企业准入与监管机制,加强对企业信用状况的评估和监督;推动建立在线纠纷解决平台,引入“互联网法院”模式,提高纠纷解决的效率和公正性,为跨境电商提供更加便捷、高效的法律救济途径。通过对跨境电商知识产权法律风险现状的分析及应对措施的探讨,旨在为我国跨境电商企业在国际贸易中有效应对知识产权侵权风险提供一定的理论参考,进一步推动跨境电商行业的持续健康发展。Cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly relying on Internet technology and has become an emerging industrial model in international trade. However, the legal risks of intellectual property infringement in cross-border e-commerce have become a key factor restricting its further development. The main reasons for the risk of intellectual property infringement are the imperfect legal system of cross-border e-commerce, the differences in legal systems between different countries, and the high cost and inefficiency of traditional cross-border dispute resolution mechanisms. Therefore, this paper proposes corresponding measures to avoid the legal risks of intellectual property rights in cross-border e-commerce, including improving the intellectual property legal system of cross-border e-commerce and refining relevant laws and regulations;establish and improve the access and supervision mechanism for cross-border e-c