The seed_specific phaseolin promoter (Ph/P) was fused to an ipt gene, then was cloned to a plant expression vector containing a gus gene driven by a 35S promoter. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants were transformed through pollen tube pathway methods. After seed germination, histochemical staining of the roots demonstrated that 32 GUS positive plants were obtained and three of which contained the chimeric Ph/P_ ipt transgene as confirmed by PCR analysis. An immunosorbent assay showed that two of the three transgenic cotton lines contained higher levels of zeatin equivalents in seeds than the control. Seedling development of these two transgenic lines differed from the control in a reduction of the shoot growth, showing a stunted phenotype as expected, but a surprisingly developed root system with a 3-4 fold fast_growing lateral roots. In addition, fibers (seed_hairs) of the two transgenic cotton lines were considerably shorter than those of the control. These results indicate that genetic engineering may be used to manipulate the development of cotton plants, particularly cotton fibers.