As more and more research points to the weaknesses of conventional written feedback from teachers,there has been a proliferation of research on different options for giving students feedback.This paper attempts to discuss four options available to a teacher wishing to give feedback on learners' writing.Their advantages and disadvantages are illustrated with reference to students that this writer has been teaching at Chinese universities.Finally,the sequencing and the nature of the feedback contents are highlighted.
本文运用CiteSpace对Web of Science-SSCI核心合集中有关学术英语写作的2176篇文献进行深度分析,绘制出近二十五年国际学术英语写作研究文献共被引知识图谱及其聚类知识图谱,汇总了兼具高影响力和高中介中心性的文献。研究发现,在国际学术英语写作研究中:1)影响力最大的前三项文献是Swales(1990)、Biber等(1999)和Hyland(2000);2)转折点意义最大的前三项文献是Ivanic(1998)、Berkenkotter和Huckin(1995)及Myers(1989);3)前沿性课题主要包括文化差异、反馈、词块和国际发表。