目的:本研究基于瑞幸咖啡本土品牌探究中文版情绪指标结果(EMO)问卷和净推荐值(NPS)量表在中国本土的适用性,并结合实证分析消费者对瑞幸咖啡品牌的满意度和用户体验特性。方法:研究采用EMO问卷和NPS量表,并以系统可用性量表(SUS)为效标,对中文版EMO问卷和NPS量表进行信度和效度分析,并结合描述统计、多因素方差分析和卡方检验等方法,探讨了瑞幸咖啡的用户体验现状。通过线上线下渠道,分别收集了973份和673份有效问卷以完成量表检验,以及669份和425份有效问卷用于现状分析。结论:1) 修订后的中文版EMO问卷和NPS量表具有良好的信度和效度,满足测量学标准,在中国具有一定的文化适用性,可用于评估品牌产品的用户体验满意度和忠诚度。2) 用户对瑞幸咖啡品牌产品及服务的整体用户体验给予了相对积极的评价,但仍需要进一步的优化。这种正面的评价趋势存在性别和消费水平的差异:女性和高消费水平群体的评价更高。Purpose: This study explores the applicability of the Chinese version of the Emotional Metrics Outcome (EMO) questionnaire and the Net Promoter Scale (NPS) in China based on the local brand of Luckin Coffee and analyzes the consumer satisfaction and user experience characteristics of the Luckin Coffee brand in conjunction with empirical evidence. Methods: The study employed the EMO and NPS with the System Usability Scale (SUS) as the criterion, assessed the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the EMO and NPS scales, and explored the current situation of Luckin Coffee’s user experience by utilizing descriptive statistics, multi-factorial analysis of variance, and Chi-square test. Through online and offline sources, 973 and 673 valid questionnaires were collected to complete the scale test, as well as 669 and 425 valid questionnaires were obtained for the status quo analysis, respectively. Conclusion: 1) The revised Chinese version o