Objective In 2006, Chinese critical care experts drafted management guidelines for diagnosis and therapy of acute lung injury (ALI) /acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), that would be of practical use for the clinician, and this effort may serve to increase nationwide awareness and to improve the treatment result of ALI/ARDS. Methods The process included a modified Delphi method, a consensus conference, several subsequent smaller meetings of subgroups and key individuals, teleconferences, and electronic based discussion among subgroups and among the entire committee. The modified Delphi methodology used for grading recommendations was derived from a 2001 publication sponsored by the International Sepsis Forum. A systematic review of the literature was undertook, and the reported results were graded into five levels to create recommendation grading from A to E, with a being the highest grade. Results It is essential to control the primary disease in ALI/ARDS. Role of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in ALI/ARDS is undefined. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation can not be considered in patients with coma, shock and damage of airway clearance. Limitation of end-inspiratory plateau pressure is important in the management of ARDS and may be facilitated by permissive hypercapnia. Recruitment maneuver should be considered to open collapsed lung and improve oxygenation. A minimum amount of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) should be set to prevent atelectasis at end expiration in ARDS. If it is possible, setting the level of PEEP may be guided by measurement of static pulmonary pressure-volume curve . Unless contraindicated, patients with ARDS should be maintained semi-recumbent. Prone positioning should be considered in the patients with severest ARDS. Sedation protocols should be used. Paralysis is not recommended . The limited fluid management strategy is beneficial for ARDS. Corticosteroid is not recommended for ARDS. The role of other drugs is uncertain in ARDS. Conclusion Evidence-based
重症医学(critical care medicine,CCM)是研究危及生命的疾病状态的发生、发展规律及其诊治方法的临床医学学科。重症加强治疗病房(intensive care unit,ICU)是重症医学学科的临床基地,它对因各种原因导致一个或多个器官与系统功能障碍危及生命或具有潜在高危因素的患者及时提供系统的、高质量的医学监护和救治技术,是医院集中监护和救治重症患者的专业科室。ICU应用先进的诊断、监护和治疗设备与技术,对病情进行连续、动态的定性和定量观察,并通过有效的干预措施,为重症患者提供规范的、高质量的生命支持,改善生存质量。重症患者的生命支持技术水平,直接反映医院的综合救治能力,体现医院整体医疗实力,是现代化医院的重要标志。重症医学的学科建设和ICU的组织与管理,应该符合国家有关标准。