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  • 2篇2010
2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
目的探讨S14G-humanin(HNG)对β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)在突触网络水平导致的海马CA1区突触长时程增强(LTP)抑制作用的影响。方法常规制备小鼠海马脑片并分为健康对照组、Aβ25-35(400 nmol/L)组、HNG(400 nmol/L)组、Aβ25-35 400 nmol/L+HNG 100 nmol/L组(Aβ25-35+HNG 100组)、Aβ25-35 400nmol/L+HNG 200 nmol/L组(Aβ25-35+HNG 200组)、Aβ25-35 400 nmol/L+HNG 400 nmol/L组(Aβ25-35+HNG 400组)6组,各组分别使用含相应药物的人工脑脊液(ACSF)持续灌流1 h,健康对照组仅用ACSF灌流。应用平面多电极阵列技术记录各组LTP情况。结果 (1)Aβ25-35组LTP幅度值为(115.8±2.3)%,与健康对照组[(169.5±8.0)%]相比有统计学差异(P<0.01)。Aβ25-35+HNG 100组[(118.3±6.1)%]与Aβ25-35组相比无统计学差异(P>0.05),Aβ25-35+HNG 200组[(136.8±5.9)%]、Aβ25-35+HNG 400组[(165.4±5.4)%]及HNG组[(168.2±1.7)%]与Aβ25-35组相比均有统计学差异(分别P<0.05、P<0.01、P<0.01)。Aβ25-35+HNG 100组、Aβ25-35+HNG 200组与健康对照组比较均有统计学差异(分别P<0.01、P<0.05);Aβ25-35+HNG 400组及HNG组与健康对照组比较均无统计学差异(均P>0.05)。(2)各组记录到LTP的电极数,Aβ25-35组为(3.7±2.1)个,Aβ25-35+HNG 100组为(7.5±2.2)个,均少于健康对照组[(14.2±1.2)个,均P<0.01)];Aβ25-35+HNG 200组为(11.7±2.3)个,Aβ25-35+HNG 400组为(12.6±1.7)个,HNG组为(14.5±1.2)个,与Aβ25-35组相比均有统计学差异(分别P<0.05、P<0.01、P<0.01),与健康对照组相比均无统计学差异(均P>0.05)。Aβ25-35+HNG 100组与Aβ25-35组比较无统计学差异(P>0.05),Aβ25-35+HNG 200组、Aβ25-35+HNG 400组及HNG组与Aβ25-35组比较均有统计学差异(分别P<0.05、P<0.01、P<0.01)。结论 HNG能够有效减轻Aβ25-35对海马CA1区LTP的抑制作用,提示HNG对Aβ25-35所致的突触可塑性损害具有保护作用。
Neural circuits and temporal plasticity in hindlimb representation of rat primary somatosensory cortex:revisited by multi-electrode array on brain slices被引量:1
Objective The well-established planar multi-electrode array recording technique was used to investigate neural circuits and temporal plasticity in the hindlimb representation of the rat primary somatosensory cortex (S1 area) . Methods Freshly dissociated acute brain slices of rats were subject to constant perfusion with oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid (95% O2 and 5% CO2) , and were mounted on a Med64 probe (64 electrodes, 8×8 array) for simultaneous multi-site electrophysiological recordings. Current sources and sinks across all the 64 electrodes were transformed into two-dimensional current source density images by bilinear interpolation at each point of the 64 electrodes. Results The local intracortical connection, which is involved in mediation of downward information flow across layers II-VI, was identified by electrical stimulation (ES) at layers II-III. The thalamocortical connection, which is mainly involved in mediation of upward information flow across layers II-IV, was also characterized by ES at layer IV. The thalamocortical afferent projections were likely to make more synaptic contacts with S1 neurons than the intracortical connections did. Moreover, the S1 area was shown to be more easily activated and more intensively innervated by the thalamocortical afferent projections than by the intracortical connections. Finally, bursting conditioning stimulus (CS) applied within layer IV of the S1 area could success-fully induce long-term potentiation (LTP) in 5 of the 6 slices (83.3%) , while the same CS application at layers II-III induced no LTP in any of the 6 tested slices. Conclusion The rat hindlimb representation of S1 area is likely to have at least 2 patterns of neural circuits on brain slices: one is the intracortical circuit (ICC) formed by interlaminar connections from layers II-III, and the other is the thalamocortical circuit (TCC) mediated by afferent connections from layer IV. Besides, ICC of the S1 area is spatially limited, with less plastic