2002年全国高等教育自学考试《现代语言学》试卷中有这样一道题:What is sense and refrence?How are they related?显然,这是一道论述题,论述题着重考核考生的综合分析问题和解决问题能力。这是本课程考试题型最难的一种。一般来说,论述题的答案,指定教材中大多没有现成的,需要考生归纳、概括、总结,并解释之,才能较好答题。解答这类问题,考生要在正确理解概念的基础上用准确的英文描述其联系及规律性的东西。有时,在说明其联系之后,还要进行分析解释,以使其在内容上更加完整,更有说服力。
The inaugural address delivered by John F. Kennedy, which gave deep impression to us, is regarded as one of the best inaugural addresses. The recipes for success in the inaugural address are mainly concerned with contrasts, bold imagery, parallelism and alliteration, audience analysis etc..