Biaxial compression tests are performed on 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm cubic specimens of plain high-strength highperformance concrete (HSHPC) at seven kinds of stress ratios, σ2:σ3 =0 : - 1, -0.20 : - 1, -0.30 : - 1, -0.40 : - 1, -0.50 : -1, -0. 75 : - 1, and - 1.00 : - 1 after exposure to normal and high temperatures of 20, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 ℃, using a large static-dynamic true triaxial machine. Frictionreducing pads are three layers of plastic membranes with glycerine in-between for the compressive loading plane. Failure modes of the specimens are described. The two principally static compressive strengths are measured. The influences of the temperatures and stress ratios on the biaxial strengths of HSHPC after exposure to high temperatures are also analyzed. The experimental results show that the uniaxial compressive strength of plain HSHPC after exposure to high temperatures does not decrease completely with the increase in temperature; the ratios of the biaxial to its uniaxial compressive strengths depend on the stress ratios and brittleness-stiffness of HSHPC after exposure to different high temperatures. The formula of the Kupfer-Gerstle failure criterion modified with the temperature and stress ratio parameters for plain HSHPC is proposed.