随着智能手机的普及,人们获得了各方面的便利,同时对手机的依赖性也日渐增加。近年来,大学生手机成瘾的现象愈加显著,对大学生的学习和身心健康、甚至未来职业发展造成一定影响。本文深入分析大学生学习过程中手机成瘾的心理机制,以功能材料课程为例总结了大学生手机成瘾的影响;然后,针对这些心理学机制,提出从认知、情感和行为等方面对大学生手机成瘾干预的策略,教师、学校和家庭多方面协同引导大学生合理使用手机,提高大学生的心理和综合能力素养。People get convenience in all aspects due to the popularity of smart cellphones, but also accompanied with increasing dependence on cellphones. In recent years, the phenomenon of cellphone addiction is becoming more obvious among college students, which has certain impacts on college students’ study, physical and mental health, and even future career development. This paper deeply analyzes the psychological mechanism behind cellphone addiction during the learning process of college students, followed by the corresponding influences using Functional Materials course as an example. Then, according to these psychological mechanisms, strategies to intervene college students’ cellphone addiction are proposed from cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects. With the synergy of teachers, collages and family, collage students will be led to properly use cellphones for improved psychological and comprehensive ability.