The single crystal of Mn (15-Crown-5) (NCS)2 was obtained by solvent evaporation method, and the structure was solved from X-ray diffraction data by direct and Fourier methods. The crystal belongs to a triclinic system, space group is P1 with unit cell parameters: a=O. 712 6(2) nm, b=O. 846 9(1) nm, c=1. 603 1(4) nm, a=74. 55(2)°β=76. 29 (2)°, γ=74。 O5(2°, and Z=2, V=0. 882 5(4) nm3, Dx=1 473 kg/m3, p=O. 695 6 lnm-l,F (000) = 406- Mn (Ⅱ ) coordinates derectly with five oxygen atoms of the 15-mcrown-5 and two nitrogen atoms of SCN- to form a seven coordinated compound. The five oxygen atoms lie in a plane approximatively- Mn(Ⅱ) is in the centre, and the two SCN- are situated on both sides of the plane. Mn(Ⅱ) adopts sp3d3 hybrid orbitals to form coordinated bonds.