竹叶提取物(Extract of bamboo leaves,Ebl)是我国新开发的一种植物类黄酮制剂,具有优良的抗自由基、抗氧化、抗衰老、抗菌、抗病毒及保护心脑血管,防治老年退行性疾病等生物学功效.就竹叶黄酮的提取、分离纯化及抗氧化活性的测定方法等方面做了详细的阐述,同时结合在实验过程中的一些经验,提出了一些看法.
The abilities of scavenging O2-and · OH of crude extract,the portion extracted by n-butanol and the aqueous portion remained of bamboo leaves were studied by chemiluminescence.The results showed that all of the three extracts had strong antioxidant activity.Crude extract was higher than the portion extracted by n-butanol.The antioxidant effective positions of the aqueous portion were further tested qualitatively and found to be probably tannin and δ-OH-Lys etc.From the above,we can draw the following conclusion:the extract of bamboo leaves was a complex and synergistic mixture.It was no effective on antioxidant activity to purify further.