汉语成语蕴含深厚的文化内涵,是文学表达的重要载体,因此,成语翻译是一项极其重要且复杂的工作。本文基于关联翻译理论,以金凯筠译本《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》为例,分析作品中成语的翻译策略,总结出直译、意译和套译三种成语翻译方法。研究探讨了如何通过这些策略实现最佳关联,提升翻译效果,并指出了译者在成语翻译中存在的不足,强调了文化理解与语境把握的重要性,为汉语成语的英译提供了新的视角和实践指导。Chinese idioms carry deep cultural connotations and serve as a key medium for literary expression. Consequently, translating Chinese idioms is an intricate and essential task. This paper, grounded in Relevance Translation Theory, uses “Red Rose, White Rose” translated by Karen S. Kingsbury’s as a case study to analyze the strategies employed in Chinese idiom translation. The study identifies three methods of Chinese idiom translation: literal translation, free translation, and borrowed translation, and explores how these strategies can achieve optimal relevance and enhance translation effectiveness, while also highlighting potential shortcomings in the translator’s approach. The paper emphasizes the importance of cultural understanding and contextual awareness, offering new perspectives and practical guidance for the English translation of Chinese idioms.