In order to evaluate the practicality and effectiveness of the turn-based algorithm for logit loading (TALL), the TALL is implemented using C++, and it is compared with a combination of the network-expanding method and the Dial algorithm based on the analysis of algorithm procedures. The TALL uses the arc-labeling shortest path searching, bidirectional star and the deque structure to directly assign the traffic flow, while the Dial algorithm should be used in an expanded network. The test results over realistic networks of eight cities show the superior performance of the TALL algorithm over the combination of the network-expanding method and the Dial algorithm, and the average processing time is reduced by 55. 4%. Furthermore, it is found that the operational efficiency of the TALL relates to the original densities of the cities. The average processing time is reduced by 65. 1% when the original density is about 14%, but the advantage of the TALL is not obvious with the increase in the original density.
Anthony Chen(2002)提出的基于起讫点的Frank-Wolfe(ODBFW)算法,对同一起点的所有OD对搜索最短路树,采用one-OD-at-a-time流量更新策略,是一种收敛性能较好的均衡交通分配算法.主要对ODBFW算法的初始化、线性搜索及最短路搜索算法进行改进,提出ODBFW改进算法.将ODBFW改进算法应用于国际上同类研究常用的Sioux Falls网络及我国山东省诸城市实际道路网,比较标准FW算法、ODBFW算法及ODBFW改进算法的可行性、效率及稳定性.结果显示,改进算法效率较标准FW算法有显著提高,稳定性较好.在小型测试路网上改进算法较ODBFW算法达到收敛的时间减少近15%,在大型测试路网上减少近5%.