糖尿病足溃疡是长病程糖尿病患者中最常见且最棘手的并发症,比正常伤口更难愈合,容易恶化,严重者可导致截肢。DFU的愈合机制目前尚不清晰,高糖环境、血管病变、神经病变、微生物感染、异常炎症反应等综合因素共同促成糖尿病创面。各种细胞因子的应用、外泌体中的生物分子、基质金属蛋白酶及其抑制剂、外科应用胫骨横向骨搬移术及新型生物组织工程技术等为DFU的愈合提供了新的方向。本文献将新型生物疗法在DFU治疗上的进展、不足及期望做出了总结,以望生物疗法成为未来治疗DFU的新策略。Diabetic foot ulcer is the most common and troublesome complication in diabetic patients with a long course. It is more difficult to heal and easy to deteriorate than normal wounds, and can lead to amputation in severe cases. The healing mechanism of DFU is still unclear, and the comprehensive factors such as high glucose environment, vascular lesions, neuropathy, microbial infection, and abnormal inflammatory response jointly contribute to the diabetic wound. The application of various cell factors, biological molecules in exosomes, MMP and their inhibitors, surgical applications of TTT, and new Biological tissue engineering techniques provide a new direction for the healing of DFU. This literature summarizes the progress, deficiencies and expectations of new biological therapy in DFU treatment, and hopes that biological therapy will become a new strategy for treating DFU in the future.