For various reasons,English is becoming more and more global.But the globalization of English does not mean that people in the world all speak the same language.As a teacher of English in China,special attention should not only be given to the acquisition of native-like English but also to the socio- linguistic factors in teaching English as a foreign language.This paper first analyzes the characters of English as a global language in the world.And such issues are then discussed as whose English is spoken,whose standard is adopted,and what core there is.Finally the author illustrates the situations of teaching and learning English in China with different hierarchic varieties of English as in Chinglish,Chinese English,and China English, with a view to assume that China English is a final variety of EFL or EIL in China.
《劳特利奇二语习得手册》(The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition)于2012年由Routledge出版,Susan M.Gass和Alison Mackey主编。全书除两位编者撰写的"导论"外,共35章,分为7个部分。该手册具有多视角、跨学科研究的特征,是研究相关议题不可多得的一部参考书。