蓝点马鲛Scomberomorus niphonius(Cuvier et Valenciennes)属暖温性中上层鱼类,广泛分布于太平洋西北部的日本诸岛海域、朝鲜半岛南端群山至釜山外海和我国渤、黄、东海等海域,产卵和越冬时行长距离洄游。由于黄渤海其他经济渔业资源的严重衰退,蓝点马鲛是当今海区内年渔获量唯一超过10×10^4t的大型经济鱼类资源,渔业生产以秋汛捕捞当年幼鱼为主。黄渤海蓝点马鲛渔业管理法规和伏季休渔制度等实施以后,产卵群体和补充群体资源得到有效的保护,渔业资源开发利用趋于更科学合理,渔获量一直波动在6.26×10^4~27.33×10^4t之内。我国的渔业管理为蓝点马鲛资源的持续增长做出了积极的贡献。
Mercenaria mercenaria is a bigger shellfish with high value,longer life cycle,fast growth,power adaptability,and wide adapt rang for temperature and salinity.Its age and growth were studied based on 286 samples caught from northern New York,USA.The results showed that: there were two fast growth periods,spring and autumn,and two slow growth periods,winter and summer,in a year for this clam.Two annual rings,the winter ring and summer ring,were formed when the growth was very slow or stop.The age rang of parent clam was 3-6.The relationship between shell height and body weight could be expressed as W=2.8961×10-4L3.0024.The von Bertallanffy growth equation,Lt=79.17[1-e-0.51(t+0.01)],Wt=145.22[1-e-0.51(t+0.01)]3,was used to describe the growth of this clam.The body weight growth inflection age was 2.15.It is thought that the clam culture has a bright future as the seeds breeding and culture has been succeed in Shandong Province.