SISAK(Short-lived Isotopes Studies by the AKUFVE technique)技术是目前使用最广泛的快速化学分离方法之一,主要应用在短寿命核素的分离和鉴别、超重元素的人工合成以及化学性质研究等方面的工作中。本文简单地叙述了SISAK技术的流程、原理和发展现状,介绍了自行建立的国内第一套基于SISAK技术的快速化学分离装置,并通过从裂变产物中分离短寿命核素这一实例验证了SISAK技术在快速化学分离中的优越性。
An analytical technique used of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) for depth profile of aluminized coatings was developed. Analyzed components in the alumina coaling are Al,Fe,O, especially alumina. These samples with many elements and complex structure produced strong matrix effects, especially for negative metallic ions.