Based on the hopping principle, a miniature gas fuel-powered hopper is designed and manufactured. According to thermodynamic analysis, the pressure-displacement curve in the combustion chamber after ignition is obtained through iterative calculation, then the work on the cylinder done by high-pressure gas is calculated and the initial hopping velocity of the hopper is obtained. The wireless control system is developed to realize the tele-control of the hopper, including fuel injection and ignition. Experimental results agree well with analytical results. The hopper has a jumping ability of height 2.2 m and distance 3.5 m, and it is more than 14 times its dimension.
基于案例推理技术CBR(case based techno logy)应用于故障诊断领域时,如何快速检索到最相似的故障案例是故障诊断成功的关键,相似算法主要包括相似度的定义、计算以及案例检索技术。传统相似算法存在定量计算相似度困难、计算精度低、大量依靠专家经验、案例匹配效率不高等问题。给出了不同情况下相似度的计算公式、案例的表示与存储方法和案例的检索方法,可准确、快速地匹配故障案例,解决了CBR技术应用于实际故障诊断系统中的难题。