Koelreuteria spp. is an important kind of landscape tree. The composition of Koelreuteria spp. has been studied relatively thoroughly. However, there are rare reports on its pharmacological and health values. On the basis of reviewing extensive literatures, the species, composition, pharmacology and clinical application of Koelreuteria were summarized in this paper so as to provide scientific information for further development and utilization of Koelreuteria spp.
On the basis of extensive literature search, the species, ingredients, pharmacology, clinical applications, ecological value and cultivation techniques of Scirpus tabemaemontani Gmel have been reviewed, to provide scientific data for further research & development.
On the basis of extensive literature retrieval, the species, composition, pharmacology, clinical application, contraindication of Adonis L. were reviewed in this paper, to provide data for the its further development and utilization.
Sagina japonica(Sw.) Ohwi is a traditional medicinal herb for the treatment of lacquer dermatitis, and its medicinal and ecological value needs to be further developed. Based on broad literature search, this paper summarized the identification, composition, pharmacology, clinical applications, ecological value, and cultivation technologies of S. japonica(Sw.) Ohwi, aiming at providing scientific information for further research and development of S. japonica(Sw.) Ohwi.