为深入推进专业学位研究生培养模式改革,进一步提升电气工程专业学位研究实践与服务国家电力行业能力。文章提出了以培养学生的创造能力和实践能力为核心,以电力系统分析与计算课程为主要对象,探索案例教学法在该课程中的应用。案例教学作为一种新型的互动教学方法,是以教师为主导,学生为主体,将真实案例融入课堂中,有助于课程思政教育、提升课堂互动、促进产教融合和提升专业学位研究生的人才培养质量。To promote the reform of the professional degree graduate training mode, further enhance the research ability of electrical engineering professional degrees and the service ability of the national power industry. We propose to focus on cultivating students’ creative and practical abilities, with the course of power system analysis and calculation as the main object, and explore the application of case teaching method in this course. Case teaching is a new type of interactive teaching method centered on students. Integrating real cases into the classroom can help with ideological and political education, enhance classroom interaction, promote the integration of industry and education, and enhance the quality of talent cultivation for professional degree graduate students.
面向国家“双碳”目标和能源革命战略需求,以学校“双一流”建设为引领,充分发挥山西大学能源动力综合优势和办学特色,由校内教师和山西能源行业专家共同构建双导师队伍,对“政产学研用”融合和专业学位研究生的人才培养质量具有重要的促进作用。双导师制的实践在取得丰硕成果的同时依旧存在一些问题,针对这些问题,这里提出相应的解决方案,以期进一步提升“双导师”协同育人实践效果。In response to the national “dual carbon” goals and the strategic needs of the energy revolution, the school’s “dual first-class” construction serves as a guide, fully leveraging the comprehensive advantages of energy and power and the educational characteristics of Shanxi University. The joint construction of a dual mentor team by teachers on campus and experts in the Shanxi energy industry plays an important role in promoting the integration of politics, industry, academia, research and application, as well as the quality of talent cultivation for professional degree graduate students. The practice of the dual mentor system has achieved fruitful results, but there are still some problems. Here, corresponding solutions are proposed to further enhance the effectiveness of the “dual mentor” collaborative education practice.