将水稻移植到0.2 mmol/L Ca SO4溶液中饥饿2 d,采用改进耗竭法研究了3种铵硝配比条件下3个不同硅效应水稻(耐低硅的硅高效水稻特优998和不耐低硅的硅高效水稻特优248以及硅不敏感水稻博Ⅱ优15)硅吸收动力学特征。结果表明:作图法和双倒数法动力学方程准确性高,达到极显著水平;不同铵硝配比条件水稻硅吸收动力学曲线均符合Michaelis-Menten酶动力学模型的描述;铵硝配比对不同的硅效应水稻的硅载体数量影响不显著,显著影响水稻对硅的亲和力。本实验条件下铵硝配比50/50有利于水稻特优248对硅的吸收,铵硝比75/25时吸收速率最低;特优998对硅有较高的亲和力,可能是其耐低硅高效的遗传性差别。
本文首先概述了1969-2022年期间校企合作研究的文献计量学总体进展;其次,划分了校企合作研究的四个主要阶段:发现阶段(1969-1979年)、发展阶段(1980-1999年)、扩展阶段(2000-2010年)和稳定阶段(2011年-2022);最后提出了8个主要研究趋势:“校企合作主题”(动机、渠道、阻碍和结果等)、“工程教育”、“社会和机构”、“知识转移”、“创新”、“创业大学”、“可持续性”和“发展中国家”,预期结果对于创新校企合作模式提供了新的途径。关键词:校企合作;知识转移;创新;发展阶段;研究趋势中图分类号:G 642.0校企合作的概念是指大学和行业之间寻求创新的伙伴关系。校企合作并不是一个新的研究领域,它在过去的几十年里被学者广泛研究。“创新”在那些希望在市场上赢得竞争优势、提高效率、创造新机遇及驱动经济增长的公司中发挥着重要作用。大学和行业之间的关系是一种通过知识和技术的交流来促进创新的方式。在过去的50多年里,创新、校企合作中的重要因素、知识转移、工程教育、社会和机构等主题受到科学家、企业家和政治家的广泛关注(Ankrah等人,2015; Alonso-Garca等人,2020) 。1 资料收集基于Scopus数据库,笔者搜索校企合作的关键词,即university-industry(or company or business or firm or enterprise) collaboration (or interaction or relation or cooperation or relationship or linkage or partnership)” 等。本文涵盖了1969-2022年期间的文献,共搜集到1800余篇文献资料,基本可以概述过去五十多年校企合作研究的演变趋势。基于收集到的文献资料,主要是基于两个分类标准进行阶段划分:(1)与出版物数量有关的拐点(年份)变化,(2)在所述拐点或附近确定一个关键科学或背景事件,进行校企合作研究中关键阶段的划分。2 校企合作研究的文献计量学分析2.1 校企合作研究的出版物校企合作�
[Objective] The aim was to explore physiological responses of Brazil banana seedlings to drought stress simulated by PEG-6000.[Method] Brazil banana (Musa AAA Cavendish subgroup cv.Brazil) was taken as test materials to explore changes of physiological indices of banana seedlings under drought stresses simulated by PEG-6000,including three stress levels (5%,10% and 15%) and time periods (24,48 and 72 h).[Result] Relative water content and chlorophyll content both declined under different stress levels and in different times.The content of proline (Pro) in seedling leaves from high to low was PEG15%,PEG10% and PEG5%; the content of treatment of 5% stress in 24 h was of insignificant differences with that of the control and the contents in rest treatments were all remarkably higher compared with the control.POD activities of seedling leaves from high to low were as follows:PEG15%>PEG10%>PEG5%,and POD activity was of significant differences among treatments; POD activity achieved the peak in treatment group with 5% of stress,and POD activities of different groups were all higher compared with the control.The activity of root system in treatment groups with PEG at different concentrations was as follows:PEG10%>PEG15%>PEG5% and the activity increased remarkably in the group with PEG at 5% within 24,48 and 72 h,though the activity dropped significantly within 72 h and slowly in 24 and 48 h.[Conclusion] It can be concluded that relative water content,chlorophyll content,Pro content and activity and root activity can be references of banana resistance to drought.