The Qin Bamboo slips stored at Yuelu Academy include over 20 names of ‘jun’(counties) in the Qin period.Therefore,these materials tremendously enrich our understandings of the ‘jun’ administration system and complement problems existed in other kinds of documents.This paper tries to propose some supplementary ideas based on previous studies and these ideas related to three kinds of cases.First,the character ‘tai’(泰) in the names of ‘jun’ represented that such countries existed relatively earlier;therefore,Qinghe County(清河郡)and Hengshan County(衡山郡)might have set up before the unification by the Qin Dynasty.Second,‘Zhouling’(州陵)was not the name of a Qin County,and ‘zhoulingshou’(州陵守)most likely meant a deputy minister of ‘zhoulingxian’(州陵县)’.Third,this paper highlights some problems in the idea of viewing Jianghu County(江湖郡)as Huaiyang County(淮阳郡).