Networking is one of the major areas in which technology is running. Networking plays a vital role in communications for the past few decades. Nodes are the important connections in the network. One of the main parameters considered in the node is power. Power is limited for the nodes in MANET, which is used for some operations where the node energy is not exhausted. Power obligations always affect the systems which ultimately affects the connectivity in the network. Mobility and congestion of nodes are also affected by power problems which simultaneously have some effects like link failures, packet losses which lead some problems in QoS performance of the protocol. This research combines BEMRT (Balanced and Energy Efficient Multipath Routing) with Robust Transmission in MANET. This combination will help the network to survive the problems discussed above which depend on the route discovery mechanism FF-AOMDV. The proposed algorithm will increase the connectivity from end to end and also minimizes the errors at all. Neighbor node selection method is considered with efficient energy which generates multiple paths from source to destination. A stable path is found by the node with effective load balancing. The mechanism is simulated and the protocol FF-AOMDV is compared with AOMDV and AOMRLM with concerning PDR (packet delivery ratios), routing overhead, delay, energy consumption, network lifetime, and throughput.
针对按需多径距离矢量路由协议(ad hoc on-demand multipath distance vector,AOMDV)采用路由跳数作为选择标准造成的链路不稳定、易断裂,路由修复效率低等问题,提出一种应用于无人机自组网的基于速度向量的路由协议(AOMDV protocol based on speed vector,SV-AOMDV)。在路由发现过程中,综合考虑每个无人机节点的速度向量和能量,得到包含相邻无人机节点间速度差异、角度差异和最小能量的链路综合状态差异参数,在多条链路中选择包含最小最大综合状态差异参数的链路传输消息。在路由修复过程中,从链路断裂处寻找上、下游节点与断裂处节点速度向量相近的共同邻居节点重新建立链路。仿真结果表明,与AOMDV和基于过程能量的(proceed energy-AOMDV,PE-AOMDV)路由协议相比,SV-AOMDV的节点剩余能量分别提高了73.0%和64.5%,平均端到端时延分别降低了90.0%和89.1%,路由恢复频率分别降低了79.1%和79.7%,路由开销分别降低了51.0%和27.9%。