搜索到450685篇“ FORCING“的相关文章
Forcing in Christian Events: The Turin Shroud Case
In its totality and complexity, the theme of forcing in Christian events is almost impossible to investigate. In fact, a lot of scholars and a very long time would be necessary to analyse the numerous events. Thus, we decided to investigate such events only in the study of the Shroud of Turin, an archaeological find known worldwide. The above topic is essential for Christianity. Furthermore, we must take into account that also among the followers of other religions, atheists and agnostics, there is a considerable interest. We think this is due to the unexpected characteristics that the Body Image, which appears on the Burial Linen of the Nazarene, shows. In this article, we would like to demonstrate that the practice of forcing is still in use. These actions, which are also present on the other side, in the non-Christian world, are the result of conflicts of religious interests. To confirm the presence of the Almighty is not necessarily the forcing. Finding a solution to these problems is not our job. However, we want to highlight them through scientific literature.
Giovanni FazioMarcello LeonelloFrancesca Riotto
Influence of Continental Atmospheric Forcing on the Decadal Variability of the West African Monsoon
The West African Monsoon (WAM) is characterized by strong decadal and multi-decadal variability and the impacts can be catastrophic for the local populations. One of the factors put forward to explain this variability involves the role of atmospheric dynamics, linked in particular to the Saharan Heat Low (SHL). This article addresses this question by comparing the sets of preindustrial control and historical simulation data from climate models carried out in the framework of the CMIP5 project and observations data over the 20th century. Through multivariate statistical analyses, it was established that decadal modes of ocean variability and decadal variability of Saharan atmospheric dynamics significantly influence decadal variability of monsoon precipitation. These results also suggest the existence of external anthropogenic forcing, which is superimposed on the decadal natural variability inducing an intensification of the signal in the historical simulations compared to preindustrial control simulations. We have also shown that decadal rainfall variability in the Sahel, once the influence of oceanic modes has been eliminated, appears to be driven mainly by the activity of the Arabian Heat Low (AHL) in the central Sahel, and by the structure of the meridional temperature gradient over the inter-tropical Atlantic in the western Sahel.
Adjoua Moïse Landry FamienSandrine DjakouréBi Tra Jean Claude YouanSerge JanicotAbé Delfin OchouArona Diedhiou
Jovian Planet Influence on the Forcing of Sunspot Cycles
The history of our solar system has been greatly influenced by the fact that there is a large gas giant planet, Jupiter that has a nearly circular orbit. This has allowed relics of the early solar system formation to still be observable today. Since Jupiter orbits the Sun with a period of approximately 12 years, it has always been thought that this could be connected to the nearly 11-year periodic peak in the number of sunspots observed. In this paper, the Sun and planets are considered to be moving about a center of mass point as the different planets orbit the Sun. This is the action of gravity that holds the solar system together. The center of mass for the Jupiter-Sun system actually lies outside the Sun. The four gas giant planets dominate such effects and the four gas giant Jovian planets can be projected together to determine an effective distance from the Sun’s center. Taken together these effects do seem to function as a sunspot forcing factor with a periodicity very close to 11 years. These predictions are made without consideration of any details of what is happening in the interior of the Sun. From these estimates, sunspot cycle 25 will be expected to peak in about September-October of 2025. Sunspot cycle 26 should peak in the year March of 2037.
Fred J. Cadieu
Impacts of external forcing and internal variability on the North Atlantic multidecadal variations since 1950
The physical formation mechanisms of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability(AMV)in the context of global warming have been a key research topic(Vecchi et al.,2017).The conventional view is that the AMV is mainly driven by internal dynamics within the climate system,especially in the Atlantic Ocean(Zhang et al.,2019).However,some studies suggest that decadal to multidecadal variations in North Atlantic sea surface temperature(SST)since around 1950 are related to anthropogenic and natural aerosol emissions(Otter?et al.,2010;Booth et al.,2012;Hua et al.,2019).
Wenjian HUAAiguo DAI
Numerical simulations of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC)from OMIP experiments and its sensitivity to surface forcing
Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC)plays an important role in transporting heat meridionally in the Earth’s climate system and is also a key metrical tool to verify oceanic general circulation models.Two OMIP(Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 1 and 2)simulations with LICOM3(version 3 of the LASG/IAP Climate System Ocean Model)developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics(LASG),Institute of Atmospheric Physics(IAP),are compared in this study.Both simulations well reproduce the fundamental characteristics of the AMOC,but the OMIP1 simulation shows a significantly stronger AMOC than the OMIP2 simulation.Because the LICOM3 configurations are identical between these two experiments,any differences between them must be attributed to the surface forcing data.Further analysis suggests that sea surface salinity(SSS)differences should be mainly responsible for the enhanced AMOC in the OMIP1 simulation,but sea surface temperature(SST)also play an unignorable role in modulating AMOC.In the North Atlantic,where deep convection occurs,the SSS in OMIP1 is more saline than that in OMIP1.We find that in the major region of deep convection,the change of SSS has more significant effect on density than the change of SST.As a result,the SSS was more saline than that in OMIP2,leading to stronger deep convection and subsequently intensify the AMOC.We conduct a series of numerical experiments with LICOM3,and the results confirmed that the changes in SSS have more significant effect on the strength of AMOC than the changes in SST.
Xiaowei WANGYongqiang YU
近年来,气溶胶直接辐射强迫(aerosol direct radiative forcing,ADRF)的不确定性逐渐减少,但由于缺乏大范围、高精度气溶胶光学特征的观测,并且模式对气溶胶光学特性和物理化学过程的描述不够准确,ADRF的不确定性相比温室气体依然很大.本文首先回顾了气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical depth,AOD)和单次散射反照率(single scattering albedo,SSA)两种气溶胶光学特性及其相应ADRF时空分布的相关研究.AOD和SSA在不同的时空尺度上差异明显,在经济快速发展的地区(如印度),AOD呈现增长的趋势且平均值较高,而受环境保护政策影响的地区如北美和欧洲呈现下降的趋势且平均值较低.根据站点观测,大多数欧洲、北美洲、非洲和亚洲站点的SSA呈显著增长的趋势,而在生物质燃烧频繁或沙尘爆发的季节,部分地区如深秋和初春的华南和西南地区、春季的华北和西北地区,SSA会下降.未来在全球及大部分区域,随着气溶胶及其前体物排放的下降,ADRF也随之减弱,但减弱的趋势取决于各个区域的发展水平和发展路径.随后,本文系统总结了气溶胶光学特征如AOD、SSA、非对称因子(asymmetry factor,ASY)以及环境因素如地表反照率(surface albedo,SA)、气溶胶高度、气溶胶与云之间的相对位置、不同类型气溶胶之间的相对位置、太阳天顶角(solar zenith angle,SZA)等对ADRF的影响,并梳理了ADRF对不同影响因素的敏感性及不同影响因素对ADRF评估不确定性贡献的相关研究.研究发现,多数情况下SSA是ADRF不确定性最大的来源;而在污染严重的地区,SA和ASY造成的误差也不容忽视.最后,本文从观测和模式两个角度对提升ADRF评估的精确性作了简要展望.未来需要充分结合各种先进的观测和模式,如多角度、多(高)光谱、偏振的遥感观测、精细的原位测量和地球系统模式,获取更精确的气溶胶和环境信息,改进气溶胶及其前体物的模拟


研究主题:农产品营销 农产品 视频 FORCING ANTI
研究主题:睡莲 朱顶红 亚属 色叶植物 鳞茎
研究主题:季风 可预报性 环状 北半球 非线性
研究主题:数值模拟 气溶胶 春季 局地环流 数值模拟研究
研究主题:高速铁路 沉降曲线 基础沉降 指数法 桥梁